EnergyAustralia Gas

EnergyAustralia Gas | Explore Gas Plans, Prices & Sign Up

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EnergyAustralia is one of the ‘Big 3’ energy retailers in Australia and is a major provider of natural gas. EnergyAustralia gas is popular among residential homes and businesses that are looking for affordable and reliable energy solutions. In this article we discuss everything you need to know about EnergyAustralia Gas, including information on where EnergyAustralia gets its gas from, the different plans they offer, rates, and how to sign up.

EnergyAustralia Gas Plans

EnergyAustralia offers natural gas plans for customers living in New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory and South Australia. Customers can choose from the available EnergyAustralia gas plans to select the one that best meets their energy needs.

Flexi Plan

EnergyAustralia Flexi plan is a flexible gas plan that provides you with variable energy rates for the 12-month benefit period. With this plan, you will receive a discount off your entire bill, each time you pay. This is a great gas plan with no lock in contract and no exit fees. Since the rates for this plan are variable, they may change, but customers will always be notified in advance by EnergyAustralia.

  • Simple, low, rates
  • Variable-rate tariff
  • Total energy bill discount
  • 100% carbon-neutral at no extra cost
  • 4% gas discount

Balance Plan

EnergyAustralia Balance plan is a very flexible energy plan for residential customers. This plan provides variable energy rates and a discount off your EnergyAustralia bill, each time you pay. Customers will be notified of any price changes and can monitor their energy use for this plan via the EnergyAustralia login.

  • Variable rates
  • Total energy bill discount
  • 100% carbon-neutral at no extra cost
  • (Gas Only) Block tariff
Gas Bill Money

EnergyAustralia Gas Prices

EnergyAustralia plans aren’t available in every state, and the prices vary depending on where you live. If you want to find out if EnergyAustralia plans are available in your state, and how much each plan costs, you can find a summary of the EnergyAustralia gas plans and rates, per state, below.

New South Wales: EnergyAustralia Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates in New South Wales.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 24MJ/day within the Jemena Gas Network in Sydney. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Gas Rates NSW
Plan nameBasic Home, Flexi, Balance & Rate Fix Plan
Daily Supply Charge81.29c / day
Usage Rates3.22c to 5.45c / MJ
Estimated Annual Cost
(*discounts included)
$1,100 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 2000 in NSW with an average usage of 50MJ / day. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on your individual circumstances or habits. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Last Updated January 2024.

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ACT: EnergyAustralia Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates in Australian Capital Territory.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 55MJ/day within the EvoEnergy Gas Network in Canberra. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Gas Rates ACT
Plan NameBasic Home, Flexi, Balance & Rate Fix Plan
Daily Supply Charge88.88c / day
Usage Rates4.00c - 5.13c / MJ
Estimated Cost
(*discounts included)
$2,030 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 2600 in ACT with an average usage of 36,865MJ / year. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on your individual circumstances or habits. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Last Updated January 2024.

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Victoria: EnergyAustralia Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates in Victoria.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 65MJ/day within Australian Gas Networks (AGN) in Melbourne, Victoria. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Gas Rates VIC
Plan NameFlexi PlanRate Fix PlanBalance Plan & Basic Home
Daily Supply Charge114.15c / day114.15c / day114.15c / day
Usage Rates3.13c to 5.03c / MJ3.13c to 5.03c / MJ3.13c to 5.03c / MJ
Estimated Annual Cost
(discounts included)
$790 / year$910 / year$1,000 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 3000 in Vic with an average daily usage of 138MJ / day. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on your individual circumstances or habits. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Last Updated January 2024.

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South Australia: EnergyAustralia Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates in South Australia.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 22MJ/day within Australian Gas Networks (AGN) in Adelaide. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Gas Rates SA
Plan NameBasic Home, Flexi, Balance & Rate Fix Plan
Daily Supply Charge99.33c / day
Usage Rates3.25c to 6.85c / MJ
Estimated Annual Cost
(*discounts included)
$1,320 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 5000 in SA with an average usage of 44.8MJ / day. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on your individual circumstances or habits. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Last Updated January 2024.

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EnergyAustralia is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

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EnergyAustralia is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

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Energy Australia Gas Plans for Businesses

EnergyAustralia also offers a range of gas plans for businesses, designed to help business customers save money and manage your energy costs more effectively. These plans include flexible pricing options and tailored billing solutions. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, EnergyAustralia has a gas plan to suit your needs.

EnergyAustralia Gas Business plans have different prices, depending on the energy distributor in your area. You can learn who your energy distributor is by looking under the faults and emergency section of your most recent energy bill. Below are the gas plans available for business customers at EnergyAustralia:

Business Basic

The Business Basic gas plan is available for businesses in NSW, ACT, SA and VIC. This plan is a standard gas plan for businesses, offering no discounts or other benefits. With this plan, there is no lock-in contract and there are no exit fees. If you are interested in this plan, you will have to contact EnergyAustralia at 1800 146 749 to discuss pricing.

Business Balance

The Business Balance gas plan offers variable rates and a discount off your entire energy bill each time you pay. The balance plan also has no lock-in contract and no exit fees, meaning you can cancel the plan at any time. Business customers can also manage their business energy plan and receive updates regarding price changes via their EnergyAustralia login.

EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates

EnergyAustralia has gas plans for businesses in NSW, ACT, Victoria, and South Australia. Business gas prices can vary depending on the location, usage or size of business. To learn more about EnergyAustralia gas rates for businesses, choose your state from the drop-down menu below.

New South Wales: EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates for businesses in New South Wales.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia Business gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 345MJ/day within the Jemena Gas Network in Sydney. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates NSW
Plan Name Business Balance Plan Business Basic Plan
Daily Supply Charge 88.77c / day 88.77c / day
Usage Rates 3.38c to 5.79c / MJ 3.38c to 5.79c / MJ
Estimated Annual Cost
(*discounts included)
$4,960 / year $5,220 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 2000 in NSW with an average usage of 345MJ / day. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on the circumstances or habits of your business. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Valid March 2025.

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ACT: EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates for businesses in Australian Capital Territory.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia Business gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 345MJ/day within the EvoEnergy Gas Network in Canberra. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates ACT
Plan Name Business Balance Plan Business Basic Plan
Daily Supply Charge 160.23c / day 160.23c / day
Usage Rates 3.09c to 3.73c / MJ 3.09c to 3.73c / MJ
Estimated Annual Cost
(discounts included)
$4,450 / year $4,690 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 2600 in ACT with an average usage of 345MJ / day. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on the circumstances or habits of your business. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Valid March 2025.

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Victoria: EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates for businesses in Victoria.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia Business gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 231MJ/day within Australian Gas Networks (AGN) in Melbourne, Victoria. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates VIC
Plan Name Business Balance Plan
Daily Supply Charge 131.52c / day
Usage Rates 2.78c to 4.36c / MJ
Estimated Annual Cost
(discounts included)
$3,618 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 3000 in Vic with an average daily usage of 231MJ / day. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on the circumstances or habits of your business. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Valid March 2025.

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South Australia: EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates

Here you will find EnergyAustralia gas rates for businesses in South Australia.

Below you can find a summary of EnergyAustralia Business gas plans and rates, with estimated annual costs based on an average daily usage of 239MJ/day within Australian Gas Networks (AGN) in Adelaide. Your actual gas costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances.

EnergyAustralia Business Gas Rates SA
Plan Name Business Balance Plan Business Basic Plan
Daily Supply Charge 149.60c / day 149.60c / day
Usage Rates 2.55c to 4.47c / MJ 2.55c to 4.47c / MJ
Estimated Annual Cost
(*discounts included)
$6,010 / year $6,130 / year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on gas distributor for postcode 5000 in SA with an average usage of 239MJ / day. Calculations are based on the reference price for each area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on the circumstances or habits of your business. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Valid March 2025.

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Green Lightbulb

EnergyAustralia Carbon Neutral

EnergyAustralia offers a carbon-neutral product called Go Neutral. Customers can opt in to Go Neutral at any time for no additional price. New EnergyAustralia customers can easily add Go Neutral to their new energy plan via My Account. After just six months of being a customer, EnergyAustralia will automatically enable Go Neutral and start offsetting your energy emissions. The carbon emissions from your gas usage will be offset and provide not only economic benefits, but social and environmental ones as well. With Go Neutral, customers can contribute and make a real difference, as the project is one of Australia's largest programs for reducing carbon emissions, having offset 4.1 million tonnes since 2016.

Go Neutral is certified by Climate Active, the Australian Energy initiative, and helps support a range of Australian environmental projects, such as:

  • Top End Wildfire Management
  • Savanna Fire Management
  • Forest Regrowth

Carbon Neutral has also recently become available to business customers, but this is currently only available for electricity plans.

How Does EnergyAustralia Source Energy?

EnergyAustralia provides energy from their cutting-edge and versatile energy portfolio, which includes fossil fuels like coal and gas, as well as renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and batteries. The gas-fired power facilities owned by EnergyAustralia are among the best in Australia. They operate Hallett in South Australia, Newport and Jeeralang in Victoria, and Tallawarra A, Australia's most thermally efficient gas-fired plant, which is located in New South Wales.

Additionally, EnergyAustralia operates two major coal-fired power plants at Yallourn in the Latrobe Valley of Victoria and Mt Piper close to Lithgow in New South Wales.

EnergyAustralia Gas FAQ

Does EnergyAustralia Supply Gas?

EnergyAustralia is one of the biggest energy providers in Australia, and offers a variety of electricity and gas plans. EnergyAustralia offers gas plans for residential customers and businesses in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria and South Australia. Whether you are a new customer or an existing customer, you can find an EnergyAustralia gas plan that meets all your needs!

Why is My EnergyAustralia Gas Bill so High?

There are many reasons why your EnergyAustralia gas bill may be higher than usual, including:

  • Billing Period: For how many days are you being charged for? Verify that the bills you are comparing have the same amount of billing days. Depending on the meter read cycle and when you relocated, your first charge after moving may be for a shorter than typical bill term.
  • Energy Tariffs: Energy tariffs are subject to periodic adjustment. If your tariff changes, we will always let you know. Your bill's "Your electricity/gas usage and service calculation" section is where you may find your tariff.
  • Seasonal Changes: Heating and cooling your home in the winter and summer both use more energy. Track these times of the year when your usage is normally greater by comparing your bills from the same time last year. There are several ways to save energy in the winter to reduce your energy bill.
  • Verify Your Meter Number: check that the meter number on your bill and the meter number on the meter match. Please contact us via online chat or by calling 133 466 (available Monday through Friday, 8.00am–6.30pm AEST) if you see an error.
  • Previous Bill Charges: If you have a balance from a previous bill, check to see if that charge carried over to this month

How Do I Contact EnergyAustralia Gas?

If you’re looking to speak to an EnergyAustralia customer service representative, you can use either contact EnergyAustralia via Live Chat or by phone. You can call EnergyAustralia at 133 466, and they will be available to assist you on weekdays from 8am to 8pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 6pm.

Who is Cheaper, AGL or EnergyAustralia?

Both EnergyAustralia and AGL have many different gas plans that vary in price depending upon your location and usage. Selectra can help you compare AGL vs EnergyAustralia and select the best deal while keeping your budget and personal needs in mind. Call today!

Is EnergyAustralia Gas Cheaper than Origin Energy Gas?

The cost of gas can vary depending on your location, usage, and the plan you choose. However, according to Selectra's energy comparison tool, Energy Australia’s gas plans tend to be slightly more affordable than Origin Energy gas plans in some areas. It's worth comparing different gas plans in your area to see which one is the most cost-effective for you.

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EnergyAustralia is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

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EnergyAustralia is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

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EnergyAustralia Gas Connection

As you have seen, EnergyAustralia provides a range of gas plans for residential and business customers. If you are interested in signing up for an EnergyAustralia gas plan, then it is important to know how to manage your new gas connection, disconnection or move. The procedure for signing up for a new gas plan, moving house with EnergyAustralia and how to disconnect your old address are all explained below, for both residential as well as business customers. 

Gas Cylinder

EnergyAustralia Residential Gas Connection

New Customers

If you are a new customer, you can easily sign up for a new EnergyAustralia gas plan. All you have to do is choose the plan that best fits your needs, and sign up for your new gas account online. It's that easy!

Residential customers can apply for their new gas connections online, or by filling out the residential gas application form or the application for new meter installations form. Customers can also contact EnergyAustralia to arrange a gas connection or speak to the EnergyAustralia gas connections team.

There are multiple ways to contact EnergyAustralia for your new gas connection, including:

  • Call EnergyAustralia at 1800 818 378, weekdays from 8am to 5pm
  • Email the EnergyAustralia gas connections team at [email protected]

When signing up for a new EnergyAustralia gas plan, you will need to provide EnergyAustralia with some personal details and identification, including:

  • Name, date of birth, and contact details
  • Valid identification
  • Your billing and correspondence preferences
  • Additional account holders
  • If you want to set up a direct debit as your chosen EnergyAustralia bill payment method
  • Any energy concessions or rebates you are eligible for
  • Your current address or the new address you are moving to

If you decide to switch to an EnergyAustralia gas plan and need to disconnect your old address, simply contact your old energy retailer and let them know that you will be switching providers.

Existing Customers

If you are an existing EnergyAustralia customer, it is very easy to switch gas plans, move with EnergyAustralia or arrange your disconnection from EnergyAustralia.

To switch plans or sign up for a new gas plan, please contact EnergyAustralia customer service at 133 466.

If you are moving house with EnergyAustralia, it is recommended that you contact EnergyAustalia at least three business days before you would like your gas connection. EnergyAustralia will then arrange both the connection at your new address, as well as the disconnection at your old property.

To schedule your move with EnergyAustralia, there are a few ways to do this:

  • Via your EnergyAustralia Account: Head to the "Moving Home" page to fill in any necessary information and select a connection or disconnection date.
  • Book your Move Online via EnergyAustralia: Enter your new address online and sign up in just minutes! You will need to provide a few details, such as your account number, the post code for current address and your date of birth or driver license to validate your identity.

Customers that need a new meter installation, can simply fill out this form to arrange their gas installation.

EnergyAustralia Business Gas Connection

Business customers can sign up for an EnergyAustralia business gas plan by calling the customer service at 1800 3146 3749 Monday - Friday from 08:00-6:30pm. Customers can also request a call back request a call back from EnergyAustralia to discuss different gas plans and sign up. Alternatively, commercial and industrial business customers can fill out a new gas application online.

Business customers that need to disconnect their gas and set up a new gas connection, should call EnergyAustralia to arrange this. It is recommended to call EnergyAustralia six days before the disconnection is needed. If you currently have another provider, you will need to arrange your disconnection with them.

If you need to arrange your new gas connection, be sure to have the following ready when you call EnergyAustralia:

  • The address of your new business premise
  • The date you want the electricity and gas connected
  • Your business name and contact numbers
  • Your ABN

Moving with EnergyAustralia Moving home or Interested in signing up with EnergyAustralia? Customers who want to Sign Up for an EnergyAustralia Electricity or Gas Plan can either Sign Up Online or contact EnergyAustralia for more information. 

Live Chat

EnergyAustralia Gas Contact

If you would like to contact EnergyAustralia to discuss any questions or concerns related to your gas plan, rates or connections, there are a number of ways to get in touch with the EnergyAustralia gas contact team. EnergyAustralia is there to assist you with any issues you may have with your EnergyAustralia gas account, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them.

Here are the methods for contacting the EnergyAustralia Gas Team:

  • Use the EnergyAustralia Live Chat
  • Call EnergyAustralia at 1800 818 378, weekdays from 8am to 5pm
  • For Urgent Gas Connections: 1800 702 684
  • You can also email the EnergyAustralia gas contact team at [email protected]

Discover On by EnergyAustralia On by EnergyAustralia offers reimagined and innovative energy plans to residential customers in select states, as well as bundled home utility services including NBN, mobile plans, and insurance.

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