STC Solar Rebates: Small Scale Technology Certificates – 2024

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solar rebates

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme is an Australian government incentive for households and small businesses to install renewable energy systems (like solar panels, for example). The goal is to motivate Aussies to use green energy sources and contribute towards a sustainable energy market in Australia. If that is not great in and of itself, you can get solar rebates too! Read on to learn how with our STC calculator.

Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs)STCs are government-regulated certificates that you can claim whenever you install small-scale renewable energy systems. They work like credits that you can trade or sell for either discounts or money in a stock-like market.

Depending on the small-scale renewable energy systems you have installed and other factors like where you live or when you have installed them, you can claim more STCs, which is why an STC calculator like the one we have below comes in handy!

STC Calculator Tool

Check how many solar STCs you can receive with our Solar STC calculator. Use the STC calculator below to simulate how many STCs you could be eligible for depending on your system size and solar zone.



Depending on the type of system you have, its wattage, and the zone you live in, you will be allotted a different amount of STCs. You will need to know your zone to be able to apply for your STCs.

Here is a map of the solar zones in Australia:

Map of STC Solar Zones Australia
  • Australia is divided into four solar zones:
  • Zone 1 (from Darwin down to Brisbane across the northeast)
  • Zone 2 (which includes parts of the Northern Territory, Western Australia, and into New South Wales)
  • Zone 3 (Perth and across to Brisbane and down to Canberra)
  • Zone 4 (The southern coast and Tasmania)

STC Calculator Frequently Asked Questions

How does the STC calculator work?

The amount of STCs you can receive depends on several factors including the size of your system, where you live, and when your system is installed.

The STC solar rebate calculator takes into account all of these factors to give you an idea of how many solar STC certificates you can receive depending on your specific criteria.

STCs are calculated using: Kilowattage of your Solar PV system x Your Solar Zone Rating x Your Deeming Period.

As mentioned above, your Solar Zone Rating depends on where you live (see the solar zone map above). The deeming period depends on when your system was installed. Our STC calculator takes all of these variables and gives you an approximation of how many STCs you can receive depending on your parameters.

Why do you need my postcode to calculate STCs?

The STC calculator uses your postcode to identify which solar zone your home falls under. By entering your postcode, the solar rebate calculator is able to find your Solar Zone Rating, which is a variable used to calculate how many STC certificates you can receive.

Why does the STC calculator ask for my year of installation?

You must enter the year of installation for your solar panel system because the STC grant only runs until 2030. Year-by-year until 2030, the number of STCs offered will decrease. Therefore, the STC calculator asks when your system was installed so we can calculate how long you will be able to receive STCs, and thus how many you can receive.

How many STCs am I entitled to?

Households and businesses with solar PV systems under100kWh can receive STCs however the amount of STCs available to you depends on the following factors:

  • The size of the system (number of panels x wattage of each panel)
  • The number of years until the STC scheme is phased out (also known as a deeming period)
  • The rating of the solar zone you reside in

If you have a solar hot water system you can use the following STC calculator to check your STC allowance. Use the following STC calculator for solar hot water systems.

STC Solar Rebate Overview

There is an Australian government solar rebate offered by the national government called the Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme.

This scheme uses a system of renewable energy certificates (small-scale technology certificates or STC) that are issued to small-scale renewable energy generators, such as homeowners with solar panel systems.

Put simply the certificates, called STCs, can be traded in exchange for money that works as a solar rebate to reduce the upfront cost of installing your solar panel system.

STCs are available for small-scale and residential Solar PV systems, wind energy systems and hydropower systems. However, solar energy is the most popular form of residential renewable energy system in Australia.

Apart from this federal government solar rebate, there are several smaller government solar rebates depending on the state in which you live. In this article, we will cover both forms of solar rebates.

How Do STCs Work?

If you install a solar PV system at your property in Australia, you are eligible to claim certificates known as STCs.

STCs are allowed to be sold to generate extra income to help you pay off the high cost of buying solar panels.

In Australia, all energy providers that offer renewable energy must prove that the renewable energy they sell came from a renewable energy generation source.

As a solar panel owner, you are considered a "small-scale energy generator" of renewable energy. This means that the energy your solar panels generate and send back to the electricity grid qualify you to sell STC's as proof of the green energy you generate. Therefore, you can sell your STC's to energy companies and recoup part of the cost for installing solar panels at your property.

However, it's important to remember to apply for your STC's when your system is installed, as STCs must be created within 12 months of your system installation.

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How to Apply for STCs

You can apply for STCs on the REC website.

However, you must be the owner of the solar system or have been assigned the right to create STCs on behalf of the owner.

Follow these steps to create STCs:

  1. Make sure your system has been completely installed
  2. Fill out the required documentation for applying for STCs
  3. Check the deeming period & calculate how many certificates your system should receive. (The deeming period = 2030 - This year)
  4. Calculate the correct amount of certificates the system is entitled to, with the correct deeming period, using an online STC calculator
  5. Create or log into the Renewable Energy Certificate Registry (REC) as a “registered person” or “registered agent”
  6. Apply for the certificates via the REC platform

STC Price Information

STC prices work similarly to the stock exchange.

The daily STC price fluctuates and depends on the supply and demand at a specific moment in time.

Therefore, it's always best to check the STC spot price before trying to sell them to get an idea of how much your STCs are worth.

So, How Much is The STC Rebate?

You can check the current STCs price here, but from January 2022 - July 2022 the STC rebate is hovering at $39 - $40 per STC.

How to Sell STCs

You can sell STCs to individual buyers (energy retailers) through an open market at a price you negotiate or through a system called the STC Clearing House.

The STC Clearing House acts as a broker for you and sells each certificate at a fixed STCs price of $40 (per certificate). If you choose to use the STC clearing house, your STCs will be added to a first-come-first-serve waiting list and will be sold according to demand. Once the certificates before yours are sold, then the STC Clearing House will sell yours.

You can also assign your STC vouchers to your solar retailer or installer for a point-of-sale discount when first purchasing their system. The discount will be assigned at the time of purchase Rather than needing to negotiate an STCs price through the open market or wait for a buyer at the STC Clearing House.

Currently, there is an influx of certificates, meaning the value is going down and is expected to continue to decrease until the STC scheme is phased out in 2030.

STCs prices have fluctuated since they were first created. Their lowest price was around $16 per certificate. However, they are capped at $40 per certificate in the STC Clearing House. Currently, their value on the open market hovers between $30 - $40 per certificate.

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Energy rebates and concessionsIf you need more immediate and ongoing help with your energy bills, there are a number of additional rebates and concessions available. Check out these one-off Emergency Energy Payments and concessions for pensioners, low-income households, and households with families.

Solar Rebates By State

We have several in-depth articles covering the specific solar rebates offered nationwide and in each state.

Select your state in the drop-down menu for a summary on the solar rebates of each state or click on the links in the list below to see the full guide regarding solar energy rebates in your area.

Solar Rebates in Victoria

There are 4 solar rebates in Victoria, with solar panel rebates for Victorian homeowners and renters, as well as solar rebates for hot water and solar heat pumps, and battery storage systems.

The 4 solar rebates offered in Victoria are discussed in detail below:

Solar Panel Rebate Vic - Homeowners

Homeowners can get up to $1,400 for a solar PV system installation, plus the option of an interest-free loan equivalent to their solar rebate, with the Victoria solar rebate.

Eligibility for the Victoria Solar Rebate

To apply for the Victorian solar rebate, you need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You are the owner-occupier of the property
  • The owners of the property have a total taxable income of less than $180,000 per year
  • You have not already received a Victoria solar rebate as the owner-occupier of the property
  • It is an existing property, valued at less than $3 million
  • Your property address has not already taken part in the Victoria solar rebate
  • You don’t already have a solar PV system

How to Apply for the Victoria Solar Rebate

The first step to apply for the Victoria Solar Rebate as a homeowner is to gather the required documentation to prove your identity, income, and property ownership.

Documentation needed for the Victoria Solar Rebate includes:

  • 2 forms of identification such as a driver’s license, Medicare card, Australian passport or birth certificate, or foreign passport with a valid AU Visa
  • Proof of property ownership provided by your local council rates notice
  • Proof of income for everyone named as the owner on your local rates council notice

Once you have all the documents needed for the Victoria Solar rebate, you will need to follow the steps below to apply for the rebate.

 Get a written quote from a solar retailer authorised by the Victoria Solar Home program

You will need a written quote from an authorised solar retailer, which they will also upload onto the Solar Victoria Portal. Once it’s been uploaded to the Portal you will receive a notification by email. Never sign or pay a deposit before receiving your solar rebate eligibility confirmation.

 Get pre-approval from your Distribution Network Service Provider (DNSP) 

You will need to get pre-approved to install a solar PV system on your home and export energy back to the grid from your energy distributor. Your energy distributor is responsible for supplying electricity to your home and maintaining the energy infrastructure. Energy distributors are also the ones you need to call in case of a power outage.

 See if you are eligible for the Victoria Solar rebate

When your solar retailer uploads your quote to the Portal, you can access it in the notification email. Select the quote provided by your solar retailer to begin the eligibility process. You will be given a QR code once you’re confirmed for eligibility which will need to be scanned by your solar retailer at the time of installation.

 Arrange for installation of your new solar PV system

Once you’re eligible for the Victoria Solar rebate, you are ready to arrange your solar PV installation. Contact your solar retailer to confirm that you accept their quote and pick the day of installation.

 Have your solar PV system installed

On the day of installation, your solar retailer will need to scan the QR code you received during the Victoria Solar rebate application. Once your installation is complete you will need to pay the retailer the total you owe, minus your solar rebate and loan (if applicable).

Solar Panel Rebate Vic - Rental Properties

Renters and property owners can both benefit from the Victoria Solar rebate which is now available for rental properties.

Renters will need to agree to the installation, and any co-contribution to repay for the solar PV system, but the property manager, landlord, or owner will need to actually apply for the Victoria Solar rebate for the rental property.

Eligibility for the Victorian Solar for Rentals Rebate

The landlord, rental property, and renter will need to meet certain eligibility requirements in order to qualify for the Victoria Solar rebate.

Eligibility for the Victoria Solar Rebate for Rentals includes:

  • Renters have a combined total income under $180,000 per year
  • The rental property is valued at under $3 million
  • The rental property does not already have solar panels
  • The rental property address has not previously benefited from the Victoria Solar Homes program
  • The property manager and renter have signed a Solar Homes Rental provider-Renter Agreement
  • There is a residential tenancy agreement in place

How to Apply for the Victorian Solar for Rentals Rebate

Before applying for the Victorian Solar for Rentals Rebate, the property manager or landlord needs to first have all the correct documentation, as well as make sure their renter is in agreement.

The following documentation is needed from the property manager or landlord, before the Victorian Solar for Rentals rebate can be completed:

  • A copy of the quote with quote number, solar retailer name, and quote amount
  • A completed Rental provider-Renter Agreement
  • Proof of property ownership
  • A credit report
  • 2 forms of identification such as a Medicare Card, Australian Passport, Immicard, or driver’s license

Once the property manager has both the documentation needed and their renters on board, it’s time to start the Victorian Solar rebate application process. Remember, the property manager or landlord is actually applying for the Victorian Solar for Rentals rebate.

 Get a quote from an authorised Solar Homes retailer

Do your research when deciding on which solar PV system and solar retailer is right for you. Once you’ve decided on a solar retailer, they will submit the quote of your rental property online. You will get an email notification with a link to begin the Solar Homes application process when your quote has been uploaded online.

 Get pre-approval from your energy distributor

Before installing your solar PV system you will need to get approval from your energy distributor if you want to connect and export your solar energy to the grid. Your energy distributor is the one who maintains and repairs the electricity and gas infrastructure, as well as supplies the energy directly to your home.

 Complete your Victoria Solar Homes application online

Apply for the Victoria Solar rebate online, using the link provided in the email notification regarding your solar retailer online quote. Once you’ve submitted your Victoria Solar rebate application, you will get an email confirming eligibility. Keep this email, as you will need it the day of your solar installation.

 Solar PV installation

Contact your chosen solar retailer to tell them you’re proceeding with their quote, and book your solar installation day. On the day of your solar PV installation, you will need to show your installer the QR code found on your Victoria Solar rebate confirmation email and pay the remaining balance.

Victoria Solar Hot Water Rebate

The Victoria Solar Hot Water Rebate is a rebate that provides 50%, up to $1,000, to cover part of the cost of a new solar hot water system.

The Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate is a good choice for households where solar panels might not be right but they still want to benefit from solar energy or a household that already has solar panels installed and wants to increase their energy efficiency.

Eligibility for the Victoria Solar Hot Water Rebate

If you’re interested in the Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate, you and your property need to meet certain eligibility requirements.

Criteria to be eligible for the Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate are:

  • You are the owner-occupier of the property you want a solar hot water system installed
  • All listed owners have a combined household taxable income of less than $180,000 per year
  • The property is an existing build, valued at under $3 million
  • The current hot water system you’re replacing is at least 3 years old
  • You have not benefited from a previous Solar Homes solar PV or battery rebate
  • The address has not previously received a rebate under the Victoria Solar Homes program
  • The hot water system is on the list of Solar Homes approved products

How to Apply for the Victoria Solar Hot Water Rebate

With the exception of emergency installations, you should not install your solar hot water system before you’re approved for eligibility.

The process for applying for the Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate is relatively simple.

 Obtain a quote from an authorised solar hot water installer.

You will need a written quote from an authorised solar hot water installer. You will need to let your solar retailer know you’re applying for the Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate. Once you have your written quote you will need to begin the application process online.

 Apply for eligibility to the Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate.

When you apply online you will receive an eligibility pack, with all the documents you need to fill out for the Solar Hot Water Rebate. Once you've completed the documents, return both the documents and attachments to Solar Victoria. Your application will be assessed by Solar Victoria, who will tell you if your application has been approved.

 Get your solar hot water system installed.

Once your Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate application has been approved, contact your solar retailer to arrange the installation day. Once your solar hot water or heat pump system is installed, you will need to pay the remaining balance after your rebate is applied.

Emergency Victoria Solar Hot Water Installations

An emergency Victoria Solar Hot Water installation can occur if there is an emergency with your current hot water system and you need to maintain access to hot water.

An emergency installation can happen when your current hot water system is either broken down or deemed unsafe to use. After your emergency hot water system installation, you will need to submit your eligibility application as soon as possible and be prepared for the chance that you might not receive the rebate.

If you’re left without hot water, or in an unsafe condition due to your hot water system, you need to contact your solar retailer as soon as possible and let them know you’re applying for the Victoria Solar Hot Water rebate. After, you will need to complete the eligibility pack and return it with all the documents required. If your application is deemed eligible, the refund will be paid directly to you.

Approved Solar Hot Water Products You need to ensure that your solar hot water system comes from the list of approved solar products. Make sure to let your solar retailer know you’re applying for the Victoria Solar Hot Water Rebate and you will need an approved product.

Solar Battery Rebate Vic

If you want to maximise your solar energy investment, you might be interested in the Victoria Solar Battery rebate.

It’s important to remember that you can only benefit from one Solar Victoria rebate, though you can arrange to have your solar PV panels and battery installed at the same time. Below, we outline the eligibility needed, and how to apply for, the Victorian Solar Battery rebate.

Eligibility for the Solar Battery Rebate Vic

In order to qualify for the Victoria Solar Battery rebate, you will need to make sure you meet certain criteria.

Eligibility requirements for the Victoria Solar Battery Rebate are:

  • There is already a solar PV system with 5KW or greater capacity on the property, or you’re arranging to have one installed in conjunction with your solar battery installation.
  • You’ve been pre-approved to connect a battery to the grid by your energy distributor.
  • The battery storage system is on the Solar Victoria list of Approved Batteries
  • The property doesn’t already have an existing energy storage system
  • You are the owner-occupier of the property where the battery is going to be installed
  • All listed owners of the property have a combined taxable income of less than $180,000 per year
  • The property is an existing build valued at under $3 million
  • You have not already received a Victoria Solar Rebate and the property has not previously benefited from the Solar Homes Program
  • You agree to receive information about your battery from your energy distributor

How to Apply for the Victoria Solar Battery Rebate

Prior to getting a quote and starting the Victoria Solar Battery rebate application process, you need to make sure you have all the documentation required.

Paperwork needed to apply for the Victoria Solar Battery rebate are:

  • A pre-approval number or reference from your energy distributor
  • Evidence of property ownership
  • Proof of income for all listed property owners or;
  • If you didn’t receive a taxable income, a signed Statutory Declaration that states your income as $0.

Once you have all the paperwork needed for your Victoria Solar Battery rebate, you can begin the application process.

 Get a written quote from an authorised solar installer

You will need to get a written quote from your solar retailer. Your solar retailer will also upload your quote onto the Solar Victoria Portal, allowing you to start the online application. Once your solar installer uploads your quote, you will receive a notification email with a link to access your quote online.

 Pre-approval to connect battery storage to the grid from your energy distributor

Your energy distributor needs to pre-approve your battery storage system before installation. Your energy distributor is responsible for your energy supply to your address, as well as the electricity grid and gas lines.

 Start your VIctoria Solar Battery rebate application

You can start your Victoria solar rebate application using the link in the email notification you received about the solar battery quote. You can select the quote online, and use that to begin the Victoria Solar Battery rebate eligibility application. Once you’re confirmed eligible, you’ll be given a unique eligibility number and QR code, which you must show to your solar retailer on installation day.

 Arrange for your solar battery installation

Contact your solar retailer to confirm their quote and set an installation date. On the day of your solar battery installation, your solar retailer will need to scan the QR code you received from Victoria Solar Homes. After the installation, you will need to pay the remainder of the solar battery installation, minus the amount of your rebate.

Outside of Victorian solar rebates for solar panels, solar hot water, and battery storage, the Victorian government has expanded its Solar Homes Program to include more renewable energy initiatives.

These programs include subsidies for new, zero-emissions vehicles, home heating and cooling upgrades, and access to Virtual Power Plants.

Victorian Zero Emissions Vehicle Subsidy

Electric vehicle

The Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Subsidy is a program to reduce the cost of purchasing a new zero-emissions vehicle.

Individual Victorians can apply for one ZEV Subsidy for one vehicle, and in order to be eligible the vehicle must:

  • Be an eligible ZEV model passenger car
  • Have a purchase price under $68,740
  • Be purchased brand new or a demonstration vehicle
  • Have been purchased on or after 2 May 2021 through a participating ZEV trader
  • Be registered in the State of Victoria
  • Be delivered and registered with VicRoads within a maximum of six months from the purchase date

Eligible models purchased under a lease agreement are also eligible for the ZEV Subsidy, provided all other criteria are met.

Victoria Virtual Power Plant Pilot

Virtual Power Plants (VPP) help to balance supply and demand of the energy grid, by connecting multiple households with battery storage to manage energy supply during times of high demand.

The Victoria Virtual Power Plant Pilot is an expansion of the Victoria Solar Battery rebate, and gives eligible Victorian households $4,174 to go towards the cost of a new battery storage system for their solar panels. In exchange, the households need to connect to an eligible and approved. Virtual Power Plant in Victoria to help manage the supply and demand on the energy grid.

Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades

The Victoria Home Heating and Cooling Program is helping 250,000 Victorian rentals and homeowners alike improve their home heating and cooling by upgrading old gas, electric, and wood heaters to more efficient reverse-cycle air conditioners.

The Home Heating and Cooling Program delivers a base rate of $1,000 to go towards the cost of a new high-efficiency, reverse-cycle home heating system. Households can then receive an additional $200 if they need to cap their old gas heater, or $500 for households to upgrade their switchboard. Victorians can apply for the Home Heating and Cooling Program online, as either a rental provider, owner-occupier, or for community housing.

Solar Rebates in New South Wales

Currently, over 20% of households in New South Wales benefit from solar energy.

If you’re interested in adding a solar PV system to your home or a solar battery to an existing system, there are a few solar rebates in New South Wales available to help reduce the cost and installation price of solar and renewable energy generators.

The 2 solar rebates offered in New South Wales are:

  1. Solar for Low-Income Households
  2. Empowering Homes Grant

Both of the NSW solar rebates are discussed in detail below:

Empowering Homes Program Solar Rebate

The Empowering Homes Program is a pilot scheme for NSW residents and offers interest-free loans to buy solar-battery systems for energy storage.

As solar panels are constantly producing energy even if you aren't using it, a battery system allows you to store any extra energy you generate for later use.

If you live within these postcodes in New South Wales, you could be eligible for the Empowering Homes Program and receive one of the following:

  1. A $14,000 loan covering a combined solar panel and battery system to be repaid interest-free over a range of terms up to 8 years
  2. A $9,000 loan covering a battery retrofitted on an existing solar panel system to be repaid interest-free over a range of terms up to 10 years

You will also get an extended 10-year warranty on your PV system components once installed.

The Empowering Homes grant does not pay for you to purchase only solar panels. You must purchase a battery system to receive this rebate.

Who is eligible for the Empowering Homes Program?

To qualify for the NSW Empowering Homes Program, you need to live in one of the listed and eligible postcodes mentioned above:

  • You cannot have a household income of more than $180,000 per year
  • You must own and live in your grid-connected home, and have the authority to install the system
  • You must satisfy the loan criteria

Before you apply for the home battery loan, you need to decide if a solar battery is the right investment for your household as battery storage is not right for everyone.

You’re more likely to benefit from all that solar battery storage has to offer if you:

  • Have a higher-than-average annual electricity consumption (more than 6,000kWh/year)
  • Use most of your electricity in the mornings and evenings
  • Are on, or will switch to, a time-of-use tariff with your electricity retailer
  • Are already doing other energy-saving measures

How to apply for the Empowering Homes NSW solar rebate loan

To apply for your interest-free NSW solar rebate loan, simply:

  1. Contact several solar suppliers from the list of Clean Energy Council accredited installers
  2. Receive and review the quotes offered to you by each installer
  3. Go to the Accept Your Quote portal, enter details of your quote follow the instructions to accept it.

Upon approval of the loan, the solar supplier you chose will contact you to arrange the installation of your new solar battery.

Low-income Households Solar Rebate NSW

The next government solar rebate in NSW is called the Solar for Low-income Households trial scheme.

This is a solar panel rebate in NSW and provides eligible households with a free solar PV system of up to 3kWh that could end up saving households up to $600 per year, as stated by the NSW government.

If you currently receive the Low Income Household rebate, you have the opportunity to forego that rebate for 10 years, in exchange for the low-income solar panel rebate.

Who is Eligible for Solar for the Low-income Households Rebate:

Only homes within one of the trial regions are currently eligible to apply for the low-income NSW solar rebate.

To qualify for the Solar for Low-income Households rebate you must:

  • Currently be receiving the Low Income Household Rebate and agree to not receive the rebate for ten years
  • Hold a valid Pensioner Concession Card or DVA Gold Card
  • Own your home and not already have solar
  • Live in: Central Coast, North Coast, Sydney--South, Illawarra--Shoalhaven, or South Coast

Got an issue with your supplier?The energy ombudsman can help you get your dispute settled.

How to Apply for the Solar Rebate for Low-income Households

You can apply for the Solar for Low-income Households rebate through the NSW Government Energy Saver website and follow the on-page instructions.

You will be asked to submit the following documents when you apply for your low-income solar grant:

  • A Council rates notice or other proof to confirm that you own your home
  • A recent electricity bill as proof you’re receiving the Low Income Household Rebate
  • A copy of your Pensioner Concession Card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold card

Once you’re approved, you’ll be notified by email and your details will be sent to the approved solar installer in your area.

Your solar installer will contact you to arrange the date of your installation, which will be installed along with training on how to best benefit from your new solar PV system.

You may want to consider other energy rebates in NSW like the NSW family energy rebate or the NSW low income household rebate.

Solar Rebates in Queensland

Currently, all solar rebates in Queensland are paused and closed to new applicants.

They may open back up in the future, so we've provided information about them below.

The 2 solar rebates offered in Queensland were:

  1. Queensland government solar rebate for renters
  2. Queensland solar grant and loan for solar panels and battery storage

Solar Rebates in South Australia

South Australia has a Home Battery Scheme that is available to residents of SA interested in adding solar battery storage to their homes. This grant is unique as it's also available to homeowners with existing solar PV systems. There is also the Switch for Solar rebate available for SA residents who are from low income households. Check out both of the rebates below:.

South Australia Solar Home Battery Scheme

The South Australia Solar Battery Rebate is available to all grid-connected South Australian households.

South Australian households could get up to $2,000 to go towards the cost of a new solar battery system, along with additional low-interest loans to go towards the cost of the battery system or new solar panels if necessary.

How Much is the SA Solar Home Battery Scheme?


Amount per kWh

Energy concession households$250 per kWh
All other households$150 per kWh
Maximum solar battery subsidy$2,000

In order to be eligible for the South Australia Solar Battery Scheme, you need to have a solar PV system of at least 5.5kkWh installed on the property, which can be installed at the same time as your battery system, or prior. Financing through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation can be used to purchase new or additional solar panels to meet this requirement.

To receive the Solar Battery subsidy, you first need to get in contact with an approved battery system provider in your area. It’s recommended that you get several quotes from several battery system providers for several different battery system models, in order to find the best price and system for your home.

South Australia Solar for Low Income Households (Switch for Solar)

The South Australia Solar for Low Income Households scheme, AKA Switch for Solar is available to eligible concession holders, who can agree to give up their SA Energy Concession and Cost of Living Concession for 10 years. in exchange for a new 4.4kW solar PV system at little or no additional upfront cost. While not necessarily a solar rebate, the Solar for Low Income Households scheme is available to South Australians in one of the approved suburbs.

Eligibility for the Solar for Low Income Households Scheme in South Australia

In order to be eligible for the Switch for Solar program, you must:

  • Be the owner-occupier of a detached or semi-detached home in South Australia
  • Live in one of the currently approved suburbs
  • Hold an eligible Centrelink or DVA card, or receive an eligible pension or allowance
  • Not already have a solar PV system on your place of residence
  • Consume more than 2,000kWh of electricity per year
  • Currently be a recipient of the SA Energy Concession and SA Cost of Living Concession
  • Agree to not receive the SA Energy Concession and Cost of Living Concession for 10 years

Concession card holders in other parts of South Australia not yet on the list of approved suburbs can register their interest and receive updates about the Switch for Solar expansion. Households who register but are not yet eligible may be able to join before August 2022, subject to availability and program rollout.

How to Register for SA Switch for Solar for Low Income Households

The easiest way to apply for the Switch for Solar program is to register online.

If you don’t have access to the online Switch for Solar application, you can also call 8226 3100 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Once you’ve registered for the South Australia solar program your application will be reviewed and, if approved, you’ll be put in contact with an approved solar program partner.

  1. An approved solar partner will contact you and arrange an inspection of your home
  2. If your house is found suitable for solar panels, the solar provider partner will send you an estimate of potential savings and any additional upfront costs
  3. If you’re happy with the offer, you can accept and be confirmed to the Switch for Solar program
  4. Your solar PV installation will be scheduled
  5. Once your new solar PV system is installed, your concessions will stop

South Australia Virtual Power Plant with Tesla Powerwall

The South Australia Virtual Power Plant (SA VPP) is the government-led initiative working to bring solar energy and home battery storage to South Australians across the state. Working with Tesla and energy retailer Energy Locals, the SA VPP is designed to increase residential accessibility to affordable, reliable, and secure electricity while supporting the state’s transition to renewable energy. It was first unveiled in 2018 in partnership with Tesla and Energy Locals, starting with test phases to prove viability.

The first phases were introduced to Housing SA properties, outfitting these homes with a free solar panel systems and Tesla Powerwall Home Battery systems. Currently, phase 3 is being rolled out for additional suitable Housing SA homes. If you currently live in a Housing SA home deemed suitable to join Phase 3 of the SA VPP, you will receive information from the government and Tesla in the mail.

Other Virtual Power Plant choices in South Australia

While the SA VPP is currently only being rolled out to eligible Housing SA recipients, if you’re a homeowner with solar PV, and have a qualifying battery you might be eligible for one of the Virtual Power Plants listed below.

Different Virtual Power Plants in South Australia

Virtual Power Plant

Details and eligibility

Simply Energy Virtual Power Plant

Customers with eligible battery storage systems purchased through specific installers are eligible for the Simply Energy Virtual Power Plant.
The “Large Battery Offer” is available for Tesla Powerwall, LG Chem, and Eguana Technologies batteries and offers up to $2,550 in VPP credits paid at up to $7 per day over 12 months.
The “Small Battery Offer” is available to customers with sonnen and Varta batteries, and gives up to $1,275 in VPP credits paid at up to $7 per day for six months.

AGL Virtual Power Plant

AGL’s VPP is available to both customers interested in purchasing a solar battery and those who already have one. Eligible batteries include the Tesla Powerwall and LG Chem.
If you’re interested in purchasing a solar battery system, AGL will credit $1,000 towards the cost of the system while customers who already have a battery storage system will get a sign-up bonus of $100, as well as $45 quarterly bill credit over the first 12 months.

ShineHum paired with Powershop

ShineHub and Powershop are offering customers VPP payments between 37c / kWh up to $7.05 / kWh with eligible Alpha-ESS battery systems.

Tesla Energy Plan with Energy Locals

The Tesla Energy Plan, with Energy Locals, gives homeowners access to a 13.5kWh Tesla Powerwall for a discounted rate, as well as no daily supply charge, saving customers up to $300 per year. 


With the sonnenFlat VPP, customers with existing sonnenBatterie and solar systems can choose a “pay as you go” electricity plan starting at $49 per month.

Discover Energy Smart Saver VPP

Customers with eligible AlphaESS, LG Chem, BYD, Sungrow, and Pylontech batteries, compatible with Goodwe, Sungrow, AlphaESS, or SolarEdge 5kW hybrid inverters, might be eligible for this VPP which offers a solar feed-in-tariff of 25c / kWh.

Stoddart VPP

If you’re building a new home, Stoddart VPP offers not only a discounted battery but a free solar system included with their new home which is installed during construction.

Solar Rebates in ACT

There are two available solar energy programs available in the ACT:

  1. Solar for Low-Income Households program
  2. Next Generation Energy Storage program

The Solar for Low-Income program is available to ACT residents with valid Pensioner Concession Cards and offers a 50% rebate (up to $2,500) to eligible homeowners in the state.

If you don’t already have solar PV, and your household is assessed and shown to be viable for solar energy, you can contact Access Canberra by calling 13 22 88 or emailing [email protected] to register your interest. Even if you’re not sure, you can still contact Access Canberra for a no-obligation quote at no cost.

If you already have a solar PV system or are interested in both solar PV and a battery system, the ACT Government is offering 5,000 households a rebate of up to $825 per kW (up to 30kW) to go towards a new battery storage system.

To apply for the Next Generation Energy Storage program through the ACT government, you need to get in touch with one of the approved solar battery storage providers; Evergen, Solahart, or SolarHub.

More about Rebates

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