AGL Disconnection

AGL Disconnection: How to Disconnect or Cancel AGL

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Whether you are moving house or simply found a new energy provider, you will have to disconnect your utilities. If you are an AGL customer and need assistance with disconnecting your energy, then you are in the right place. This guide includes a step-by-step procedure on how to disconnect or cancel your AGL energy account, with additional information guiding you through the process.

Organizing your AGL Disconnection

The process of disconnecting your AGL account is very simple and can be completed online or over the phone.

Follow these steps to ensure that the disconnection process goes smoothly:

  • Contact AGL Energy: You can contact AGL Energy by phone or email to arrange for the disconnection of your energy account. You will need to provide your account number and the date you want the disconnection to take place. If you’re an AGL customer moving out of your current address, you’ll be able to choose your disconnection date when you organize your AGL disconnection through AGL My Account.
  • Provide Your New Address: Make sure you provide AGL Energy with a forwarding address for any final bills or refunds.
  • Provide a Final Meter Reading: You will need to provide a final meter reading to AGL Energy to ensure that your final bill is accurate.
  • Pay Your Final Bill: Once your final bill has been issued, you will need to pay any outstanding balances on your account.
  • Return Any AGL Equipment: If you have any equipment that belongs to AGL Energy, such as a smart meter or gas bottle, you will need to return it to them.

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AGL Disconnection Fee

Electricity Meter

Whether you are required to pay AGL disconnection fees depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • Your location and energy distributor
  • Whether you have a smart meter for a remote meter reading
  • Whether this meter read is outside normal hours
  • Whether it’s a gas or electricity connection

Your specific circumstances will affect how much you need to pay for your AGL disconnection, though they can range anywhere from less than $12 to over $100. The fees charged for AGL disconnection will be reflected in your final energy bill. It is also important to remember that these fees are set by your energy distributor, and not AGL.

Below is a breakdown per state of the general prices you can expect when disconnecting from AGL:

AGL Disconnection Fees NSW
Endeavour Energy$45.65
Essential Energy$21.15
Australian Gas Networks Albury$15.07
Australian Gas Networks Murray Valley NSW$15.07
Australian Gas Networks NSW$59.18
Central Ranges Tamworth$53.59
AGL Disconnection Fees VIC
Ausnet Services$39.89
United Energy$57.37
Australian Gas Networks (Metro)$11.00
Australian Gas Networks (Non-Metro)$15.07
Australian Gas Networks Mildura$12.65
Ausnet Services$11.01
AGL Disconnection Fees QLD
Australian Gas Networks$24.39
APT Allgas$60.50
AGL Disconnection Fees ACT
AGL Disconnection Fees SA
Fuel typeCost
Natural gas$12.65
AGL Disconnection Fees WA
Natural Gas (moving-in)
Western Power$15.85
Natural Gas (moving-out)
Western Power$60.79

Disconnect AGL Business

The process for disconnecting an AGL business account is slightly different from the process for residential customers.

AGL small business customers can arrange their relocation or disconnection by contacting the AGL business team at 133 835 (Monday–Friday, 8 am–6 pm AEST) or by sending a message via My AGL Account. Large business customers at AGL should get in contact with the Large Business team by calling 1300 793 477. Any further information about Business moves can be found on their website or discussed with the AGL customer service team.

AGL Business customers can also arrange for a gas meter removal by contacting the New Connections team at 1800 680 430. If your business requires more than 250 amps, you will need to contact the Large Business team on 1300 793 477.

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Disconnection Fees for AGL Business

Depending on the state in which you conduct your business, you may have to pay a disconnection fee. Your energy distributor will determine whether they need to send someone to complete a final meter read, and the charges for that service will be reflected in your final bill. Once your relocation or disconnection is finalized, you will be sent your final bill.

AGL Business Disconnection Fees NSW
Endeavour Energy$45.65
Essential Energy$58.40
Australian Gas Networks Albury$15.07
Australian Gas Networks Murray Valley NSW$15.07
Australian Gas Networks NSW$59.18
Central Ranges Tamworth$53.59
AGL Business Disconnection Fees VIC
Ausnet Services$39.89
United Energy$57.37
Australian Gas Networks (Metro)$11.00
Australian Gas Networks (Non-Metro)$15.07
Australian Gas Networks Mildura$12.65
Ausnet Services$11.01
AGL Business Disconnection Fees QLD
Australian Gas Networks$24.39
APT Allgas$60.50
AGL Business Disconnection Fees ACT
AGL Business Disconnection Fees SA
Fuel typeCost
Natural gas$12.65
AGL Business Disconnection Fees WA
Natural Gas
Western Power$60.79

AGL Gas Disconnection

Gas Cylinder

If you need to organize your AGL gas disconnection, you can contact the new connections team at 1800 680 430 or fill out an application and send it to AGL.

Follow the steps below to either change or remove your AGL gas meter:

 Fill out the Application

For AGL gas or electricity meter removal, please fill out either the Application for electricity form or the Application for gas form and send it to AGL in one of the following ways:

  • By mailing it to Locked Bag 14120 MCMC Melbourne, Victoria, 8001
  • By emailing AGL's new connections team at
  • By faxing the form to AGL at 1800 634 823

 Process the Application:

After you've submitted your application, AGL will check the details and send the request to the distributor in 3-5 business days.

 Arrange a Site Visit

When your request is accepted, the distributor will make the changes to your meter. You will need to ensure that your site is:

  • Safe
  • Free from rubbish
  • There's clear access to the proposed meter location
  • Any information regarding access or entry instructions has been given to the distributor ahead of time

 Finalize the Disconnection

AGL will send you an SMS once your change or removal is complete. It can take up to 20 business days to complete the removal and up to five business days to provide you with an update about your request. The fees for the abolishment of gas and electricity can vary depending on the amount of work required and who the distributor is in your area. The charges set by the energy distributor will be reflected on your AGL bill. If you see any unusual fees on your bill, please contact AGL for further information.

Moving house and interested in solar with AGL? Contact AGL by calling 1300 447 465

AGL Disconnection FAQ

How Long Does it Take to Disconnect My AGL Energy Account?

AGL Energy requires that customers provide a minimum of three business days' notice to arrange the disconnection of an energy account. When selecting your disconnection date, keep in mind that disconnections can occur anytime after 7:00 am on the day of your choice, so it is recommended that you disconnect the energy supply the day after you move.

Disconnection fees vary depending on your state and whether your energy distributor requires a final meter read. You will also need to pay any outstanding balances on your final bill.

If you are moving house and want to keep your current energy plan, you should inform AGL as soon as possible. You can either contact AGL Energy online or over the phone to arrange the transfer of your energy account to your new address. If you choose to do so online, simply login to your AGL My Account and let the AGL New Connections team know when you are moving and what your new address is. Once you move, AGL Energy will organise a meter reading at your new property to ensure that your account is properly set up.

After you organise your AGL disconnection, your energy contract will either end on the selected and agreed upon date, if you gave AGL at least 3 Business Days prior notice, or the date that AGL obtains the final meter reading.

If you are an existing AGL customer, you can contact AGL for disconnection by one of the following methods:

If you are a new AGL customer, you will need to contact your current energy provider directly to disconnect your current address.

If AGL disconnects your energy supply, and you would like to get it reconnected, you must contact them within 10 business days. If your service was cut off because you didn't pay your bill on time, you must make plans to pay the outstanding balance and any reconnecting charges. Discuss your payment options with AGL customer service, such as setting up a payment plan to pay in instalments if you are unable to pay the entire amount due. If you believe that you have been unjustly disconnected, or are unable to resolve your issue with your retailer or distributor through direct communication, please contact the Energy Ombudsman in your state or territory

If your energy has been disconnected by AGL for another reason, such as illegally sourced energy, incorrect supply address, unsafe meter access, or breach of contract, you must contact AGL to solve the problem. AGL will reconnect your energy supply within 24 hours once you notify them that you have fixed the problem that led to your energy disconnection.

Cancel AGL Account

Cancelling your AGL account is a very simple process that involves the disconnection of your current address and no further arrangements for an AGL connection at your new address.

To start your AGL cancellation, you will need to contact AGL directly. There are three methods you can use to contact them – by calling them on 131 245, leaving them a message through their AGL account online, or starting a live chat with them on the AGL website.

Once you cancel your AGL account, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Read your contract to see if you may have to pay to have your meter read one last time.
  • Log in to My AGL to confirm that your account has been cancelled.
  • After your account is officially cancelled, check your bank statements to see if there are any accidental charges from AGL.

AGL does not currently charge residential or small business customers an early exit fee. Exit fees may be applied for large businesses, such as commercial and industrial customers. For more information regarding early termination fees, please contact AGL customer service.

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