Red Energy bill payment

Red Energy: Pay My Bill Guide

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Red Energy gives customers billing and payment flexibility, allowing them to choose a number of different ways to manage, receive, and pay their energy bills as well as find help for when things get tough and their facing financial hardship. Whether you want to pay smaller bills more often, set up direct debit, or want to learn more about the financial hardship options available, you can find everything you need to know about Red Energy bill payments by reading below.

Red Energy: Ways to Pay Your Bill

Red Energy Pay Bill

No one likes to pay energy bills, but unfortunately, they are a part of life.

Choosing an energy provider with flexible and personalized billing and payment options makes them a little easier, giving you the freedom to pay your energy bill the best way for you.

Red Energy has over half a dozen different ways you can pay your energy bill, all of which are fee-free, so you don’t need to choose between one payment option or another in order to avoid paying more than necessary. As an added benefit, you will gain Qantas miles and Red Energy Rewards each time you pay your Red Energy bill. 

Below you will find a summary of ways to pay your Red Energy bill:

Red Energy: Pay My Bill Summary
Red Energy Bill Payment MethodHow to Pay a Red Energy Bill
OnlinePay your Red Energy bill online now with a credit or debit card
Direct DebitSet up Red Energy direct debit online, over the phone, or with your Red Energy login details online
PhoneCall Red Energy 131 806 at any time to pay with Red Energy’s automated bill payment service
BPAYContact your financial institution and use the Red Energy Biller Code and reference number found on your latest Red Energy bill
In-PersonPay in person at any Australian Post office with cash, cheque, or EFTPOS
CentrepayContact Red Energy to set up Centrepay
MailSend your cheque and payment slip to:
Red Energy Pty Ltd
PO Box 4136
East Richmond VIC, 3121

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Red Energy Bill Payments: How to Set Up a Direct Debit

Setting up direct debit helps take the hassle out of paying your Red Energy bills.

By nominating a credit card or bank account, your Red Energy bill payments will be automatically taken from your chosen account on the date it’s due. You can set up direct debit in a number of different ways.

Ways to set up a direct debit for Red Energy bill payments includes:

  1. Use your Red Energy login to access MyAccount to set up direct debit online
  2. Fill out a Red Energy Direct Debit online form with your account details
  3. Print and send a Red Energy direct debit form with your details to the address listed on the form
  4. Contact Red Energy by calling 131 806 to speak with a Red Energy customer service member to help you set up Direct Debit

What is Red Energy EvenPay?

EvenPay, offered by Red Energy, is a service that helps make energy bills a little easier.

By estimating your annual energy usage, Red Energy is able to split your estimated annual energy cost into regularly scheduled payments. You can choose between weekly, fortnightly, or monthly direct debit payments to reduce bill shock and better budget your expenses.

You can sign up for EvenPay with Red Energy by calling 131 806 to discuss your energy usage and review your existing energy bills. You’ll be able to customize a payment plan with the amount and frequency that best meets your needs, as well as nominate a direct debit account for the fee-free EvenPay payments.

How to Set Up Red Energy eBilling

Red Energy eBilling

Tired of paper bills in the mail and want to save some trees?

Red Energy lets customers opt into e-billing and e-communication, reducing the amount of paper letters and bills you’re sent. You can better maintain copies of your energy bills, directly on your computer, to help you keep your energy account a little more organized.

You can sign up for e-billing and e-communication with your Red Energy login on MyAccount.

Red Energy Login & MyAccount

Your Red Energy login can be used to help you manage your Red Energy bills and bill payments.

If you don’t have Red Energy MyAccount, you can register using your email and Red Energy account number. Once you have your Red Energy login details, you will be able to manage all your billing, payment, and account services.

With your Red Energy login, you can manage your bills and payments by:

  • Organize eCommunication to receive Red Energy bills and communication in your email
  • Download your Red Energy billing history
  • Set up a direct debit
  • Set up EvenPay®
  • Pay a Red Energy bill online
  • Add concession details

Financial Hardship & Red Energy Bill Payments

Red Energy offers different ways to help you out if you’re experiencing financial hardship and having difficulty paying your Red Energy bills. No matter the extent of the help you need, your first step should be to contact Red Energy as soon as possible to discuss your options.

Red Energy financial hardship support includes:

  • Payment plans for any outstanding bills
  • Payment extensions for your current bill
  • EvenPay for predictable bills to reduce bill shock
  • Monthly billing (available in Victoria)

In addition, Red Energy can help point you in the direction of other financial support services and advice on their website. You can find:

Have a dispute about your Red Energy account or bill? Contact your local energy ombudsman if you’re unable to resolve a billing dispute with your energy provider

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Red Energy is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

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Red Energy is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

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Understanding Your Red Energy Bill

Almost every energy bill, regardless of your energy provider, will look the same so you don’t need to learn how to read a new energy provider’s bill if you switch.

Your Red Energy bill will include the following information to help you best understand your energy consumption and what you owe.

  1. Red Energy contact information, as well as the contact information of your energy distributor for power outages and emergencies
  2. The due date for the current energy bill and total amount due. If you pay before the due date you might be eligible for a pay-on-time discount
  3. Consumption graph of your average daily energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions
  4. Transactions since the previous account: These include any bill credits or debits from your previous transaction, current amount owed, and any discounts
  5. The payment slip which shows the amount to pay before the due date (with a pay-on-time discount) and after the due date with no pay- on-time discount
  6. The Red Energy rates & plan you are currently on, as well as the tariff you're being charged
  7. Details of previous payments since your last Red Energy bill
  8. Your supply and usage charges for your energy consumption, as well as the billing period
  9. Your NMI
  10. The date of your next meter reading
  11. Red Energy bill payment methods, including your Red Energy BPAY Biller Code
  12. Personal account information including your Red Energy account number and supply address
  13. Additional help and information for Red Energy customers

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