Energy Locals Contact

Energy Locals Contact | Contact Customer Service by Phone at 1300 560 964

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If you want to get in touch with Energy Locals, you can call the Energy Locals contact number at 1300 693 637. Do you need Energy Locals contact information? New and current Energy Locals customers can contact Energy Locals by phone, email, and postal address. Below, you can find information about contacting Energy Locals, as well as information about moving house, Energy Locals billing and payment, power outage help, and more.

Contact Energy Locals

Below is a brief overview of the main ways to get in touch with Energy Locals customer service

Energy Locals Contact Numbers

  • General Enquiries & Moving - 1300 693 637
  • Sales - 1300 889 994

Energy Locals Postal Address

  • 11 Newton Street
    Richmond, VIC 3121

Energy Locals Complaints

Energy Locals Email Address

Energy Locals Bill Payments

  • Call 1300 855 933

Switch to Energy Locals

  • Call 1300 560 964

Energy Locals Phone Number

Energy Locals contact methods include phone, email, and postal address.

If you require immediate assistance, you can contact Energy Locals by phone. Energy Locals' contact business hours are 8:30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. However, Energy Locals also has an email address and postal address for written communication.

Find Energy Locals contact methods below:

Energy Locals Contact Numbers
Energy Locals Contact MethodHow to Contact Energy Locals
Switch to Energy Locals Today
General Enquiries & Moving 
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6pm
1300 693 637
Sales Team
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6pm
1300 889 994
Make Payments via Credit or Debit Card
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6pm
1300 855 933
Overseas Phone Number
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 6pm
+61 361 613 955
Email for General Enquiries[email protected]
Email For Credit and Debt Management[email protected]
Email for Life Support[email protected]
Energy Locals Address11 Newton Street
Richmond VIC 3121

Energy Locals Email & Postal Address

Paper airplane

If you need to make a visit in person, the Energy Locals head office is located at:

Energy Locals Head Office
Level 1, 165 Cremorne Street
Richmond, VIC 3121

For written correspondence such as complaints, Energy Locals reviews or submitting written forms, you can contact Energy Locals via email or post at:

Energy Locals Email & Postal Address
📧 Email for General Enquiries[email protected]
📧 Email For Credit and Debt Management[email protected]
📧 Email for Life Support[email protected]
✉️ Energy Locals AddressEnergy Locals
11 Newton Street
Richmond VIC 3121

If you would like to join the Energy Locals mailing list, you can do so on their website. Simply fill out the online mailing list form and Energy Locals will add you to the list. You can update your preferences and opt out whenever you want from this service. The changes may take 30 days to be updated and will not affect email communication in regard to your plan or bills.

Sign Up for Energy Locals

Energy Locals is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

Sign Up or Switch to Energy Locals Today!

Energy Locals

Energy Locals is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

Subscribe to Energy Locals Energy today!


Contact Energy Locals Online

You can also contact Energy Locals online via their support center and their Facebook web chat. If you have questions about any Energy Locals topic, you can get assistance in the Energy Locals support center. The Energy Locals online support center is an online community where you can find answers, ask questions and share information. If you prefer to speak to a live Energy Locals customer service representative, then you can use the Facebook live chat. The Energy Locals Facebook chat is available from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5.30 pm AEDT (excluding public holidays).

Woman on Laptop

Energy Locals Login

Your Energy Locals login can be used to manage all aspects of your Energy Locals plan and account.

If you haven’t received your Energy Locals login yet, or you forget your password, you can head to the Energy Locals Login portal and select “Forgot My Password” on the sign-in page. You just need the email address you used when you originally signed up for Energy Locals.

With your Energy Locals login you can access the following:

  • Visit My Usage: Track and manage your energy consumption and rates, from monthly, daily, and up to hourly levels depending on if you have a smart meter
  • Bill and Payments: Manage and view your Energy Locals bills, see past invoices
  • My Account: Update payment methods, contact details, and account information
  • Visit My Property: Arrange to move house with Energy Locals by organizing your energy disconnection from your previous address

Energy Locals Power Outage Contact

If you’re experiencing a power outage, no matter who your energy retailer is, you will need to contact your energy distributor.

Energy distributors are the ones in charge of maintaining the physical infrastructure of the electricity and gas supply across Australia including power lines and gas mains.

Your energy distributor depends on your location and is determined by your NMI (National Meter Identifier). You can find your electricity and gas distributor along with their 24/7 emergency number, as well as your property’s NMI, on your latest energy bill.

Energy Locals Bill Payment

Energy Locals recommend direct debit for paying your energy bill, as customers can choose to pay smaller increments monthly, or fortnightly, to avoid bill shock.

Electricity bill

With Energy Locals direct debit:

  • Don’t pay additional credit card fees
  • Pay in smaller, more frequent instalments to manage your budget
  • Never miss a payment and have to pay a late payment fee

Customers can set up a direct debit using their Energy Locals login to access My Account. Otherwise, you can make an immediate payment online, or pay by BPAY. There might be a fee associated with your Energy Locals bill payment method depending on your plan.

Need your Energy Locals BPAY Biller Code?

  • Energy Locals customers and SA Virtual Power Plant customers (without a Tesla Powerwall): 260364
  • SA Virtual Power Plant customers (with a Tesla Powerwall) and Tesla Energy Plan customers: 301879

If you have questions about credit and debt management, you can email Energy Locals at  [email protected].

You can find your unique BPAY reference number on your latest Energy Locals bill.

Contact Energy Locals to Move House

The easiest way to move house with Energy Locals is to organize your move online.

 Organize Your Move-in Energy Connection
You can set up an Energy Locals energy connection at your new property online with the standard Energy Locals sign up form, where you will be asked if you’re moving house, and your connection date.

If you choose to move house with Energy Locals using their online sign-up, you are required to give at least two business days' notice before your connection date. If you need a more urgent energy connection at your new address call Energy Locals at 1300 693 637 and they can usually get a same business day connection organized as long as you tell them before midday.

 Organize Your Move Out Energy Disconnection 
No matter who your energy provider is, you need to let them know you’re moving out so they can organize a disconnection at your old address. You can organize your Energy Locals disconnection with My Account by navigating to “Property” and selecting “Move Out”.

If you’re moving out, it’s best to organize your disconnection date the day after you actually move. Property disconnections can occur as early as 7am on the day you choose, and you don’t want to be caught without electricity while in the process of moving out.

Sign Up for Energy Locals

Energy Locals is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

Sign Up or Switch to Energy Locals Today!

Energy Locals

Energy Locals is Among the Cheapest Energy Providers in Australia!

Subscribe to Energy Locals Energy today!


Energy Locals Complaints

While Energy Locals is a well-reviewed energy provider, if you’re not satisfied with your Energy Locals service, you can file a complaint with the Energy Locals complaints team.

You can contact Energy Locals complaint team by email, postal address, or online form found as

Energy Locals Complaints Team
Energy Locals Contact MethodEnergy Locals Contact for Complaints
Energy Locals Complaints Email[email protected]
Energy Locals Complaints AddressLevel 1, 165 Cremorne Street, Richmond, VIC 3121

Once Energy Locals has escalated your complaint, and if you're still not satisfied with the resolution, you can get free and fair dispute resolution with your state’s Energy Ombudsman. You should contact Energy Locals first, however, to give them a chance to resolve the issue.

Cancel Energy Locals

To cancel your Energy Locals contract please call their customer service at 1300 693 637 or email them at [email protected]. You will have to pay any outstanding amounts on your account if you cancel after the 10-day cooling off period.

If you cancel your plan before the end of your contract and switch to another energy retailer, an early termination fee may apply. If you want to check if you have any termination fees, you can call Energy Locals at 1300 501 815 or email them at [email protected].

If you are leaving Energy Locals, you will also have to submit your final meter reading. If you have a smart meter you don't need to do anything, as Energy Locals already receives your meter readings automatically. If you don't have a smart meter, you can call Energy Locals and they will record the meter read. Energy Locals may need to send a technician out to your house to confirm your reading, and the fee for this will be added to your final bill.

Energy Locals Contact FAQ

Is Energy Locals Australian?

Yes! Energy Locals is an Australian energy company that even has a full Australian-based customer service team. Energy Locals aims to contribute and build a more sustainable future for Australia.

How Do I Contact Energy Locals?

If you want to get in touch with Energy Locals customer service team, you can reach them by phone at 1300 693 637. You can also reach Energy Locals via email at [email protected], or via their online Facebook chat.

What is Energy Locals Postal Address?

Energy Local's Postal Address is as follows:

Energy Locals Postal Address
11 Newton St
Richmond VIC 3121

Customers can use the mailing address for written correspondence such as complaints, reviews or submitting written forms.

Need Assistance?

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A Selectra Energy Specialist is Available to Help:

1300 560 964 
Standard Rate Number
Monday to Friday: 10am - 7pm

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