Enova Voluntary Administration Alert Light

Enova Energy Announced It's Closing Shop!

Customers are free to choose a new supplier without penalty fees!

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Enova Energy Administration Update!Enova Energy has ceased trading after falling into a voluntary administration based on a decision by its board of directors.

As a result of the closure, all 13,200 of Enova Energy's customers will be automatically switched to a new provider appointed by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) through the "Retailer of Last Resort Scheme". You may also choose a different supplier of your choice and leave with no exit fees.

For more information, see the frequently asked questions on Enova Energy closing, below.

Enova Energy Administration & Closing FAQ

What happened to Enova Energy?

Enova Energy was forced into a voluntary administration on 21/06/2022, meaning the energy supplier is closing of its own accord. Enova Energy has cited the rising Australian energy crisis as the cause for its closure, as wholesale energy prices have become too expensive for some suppliers to manage.

In an interview with ABS news, Enova Energy's Managing Director Felicity Stening explained, “The current diabolical state of the energy market, combined with the high wholesale market energy prices and the cap on customer pricing, has made it impossible for Enova Energy and many other small retailers to operate.”

Why did Enova Energy Close?

Enova Energy is closing because it is no longer able to pay for the energy it sells to its consumers.

Basically, the current energy purchase price is higher than the sales price. This means that the energy Enova Energy buys from energy generators has become so expensive that it costs Enova Energy more than they are able to sell it for.

This is happening thanks to an unprecedented energy crisis currently happening across Australia which is causing low energy supplies and high consumer demand. There are a number of factors to blame for the crisis including Winter in Australia and the war in Ukraine affecting global energy supplies.

What will happen to Enova Energy customers now that the supplier has closed?

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has promised Enova Energy customers will be automatically transferred to a new energy supplier appointed by the AER to take over in the coming weeks.

The AER has something called the "Retailer of Last Resort Scheme" which allows them to take control in emergency situations such as this one in order to protect consumers from market instability. So basically, Enova Energy customers will not be left without a supplier and will soon be switched to a new energy company appointed by the government.

Will I lose electricity supply?

When the AER switches you to a new energy company, the transition will be seamless. You should not lose electricity supply for any reason. If you do have an issue, you can call your new supplier directly for assistance. In the coming days, a new supplier will be announced. So, hold tight until then.

Do I need to find a new energy provider?

You don't need to find a new energy supplier on your own unless you prefer to choose one yourself. If you want to choose a different supplier than the one the AER appoints to take over, you can simply sign up to the new energy supplier as you normally would.

Selectra can help you compare options for new suppliers:

Will my energy bills go up?

Your energy bills may go up when you switch supplier. If you have a valid contract through Enova Energy, generally the new supplier often tries to honour your contract and offer you the same rates until the contract expires. However, as you will be with a completely different supplier, and prices are rising on average across the whole of Australia, it's quite possible your energy bills will go up.

Will my new supplier offer green energy?

Enova Energy is the greenest energy supplier in Australia according to the 2022 Greenpeace report. However, the suppliers that the AER often chooses for customers as part of the Retailer of Last Resort Scheme tend to be one of "The Big 3": AGL, Origin, or Energy Australia.

These providers are not known for being very green. So, it's quite possible that your new energy plan won't include much green energy, if any at all. However, in Australia you always have the option of paying extra for Green Power.

When will I be assigned a new supplier?

We should know within 1 week of Enova Energy's announcement who the new AER-appointed energy supplier will be. Typically the process of closing our existing account, settling your final bills, being transferred and starting your new account takes less than a month in these circumstances.

What happens to my Enova Energy account?

Your Enova Energy account will be automatically closed and transferred to the new AER-appointed supplier. In a letter to their customers, Enova Energy's Managing Director Felicity Stening said, "To assist [us], we ask that you please pay any current and final bills as they become due using the details on your bill."

Therefore, Enova Energy will notify you when changes or payments should be made on your existing account.

Enova Energy is ranked by GreenPeace as Australia's greenest energy provider. -What does Enova offer different from the competition?- In this guide, you'll learn how Enova is different, see Enova Energy rates & plans, find Enova energy reviews from real customers and learn how to contact the provider. Read on for this and more!

What is Enova Energy?

Enova Energy is ranked number 1 in Australia as the greenest energy company in the country.

Enova Community Energy first launched in 2016 as Australia’s first community-owned energy retailer, raising money donated by Australian residents to bring cleaner, greener energy to the citizens of Australia.

Enova Community Energy is different from other energy providers in that 50% of Enova’s profits after tax go back into the community through renewable energy projects, energy education, and bringing renewable options to those who might not have the opportunity otherwise.

Since 2016, Enova Energy has funded several community projects across Australia, including building community micro-grids and solar gardens.

Enova aims to be 100% renewable by 2020. Currently, Enova Energy receives about 50% of its energy supply from its own customers selling solar energy back to the grid.

The rest comes from the energy grid from a variety of renewable and nonrenewable sources.

However, Enova Energy purchases carbon offsets approved under the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS) to offset their non-renewable energy purchases.

Who Owns Enova Energy? Enova Energy is a community-owned energy company which means over 1,600 members of the community act as shareholders of the company.

Enova Energy Reviews

  • Here's how customers rate Enova Energy around the web:
  • Google Reviews: 4.9 Stars
  • Product Review: 4.9 Stars
  • CHOICE Reviews: 86%

It's virtually impossible for Enova Energy to get better ratings than it already has.

Customers on Google Reviews and Product Review rate Enova energy with 4.9 Stars.

Customers cite their “caring” and local customer service team, as well as their ethical practices.

This can be seen in what one customer wrote in the following Enova Energy Review:

An environmental decision that was good for my wallet
Fair pricing and a product that is good for the planet. An easy decision to make. No fuss. 5 minutes on the phone and all was sorted. I do recommend. – John P.

Although there are many companies that offer green energy, it seems Enova Energy takes it a step further and offers impeccable customer service as well.


Another customer left this Enova Energy Review:

So far so good!
Setting up electricity for our new place was really easy, they answered the phone quickly and set up took 10 mins. Got $50 off first bill (also had the choice to donate the $50), and found out they only have two plan types - solar and non-solar, which is sooo much simpler than the other companies with their bazillion plan types. So far, so good!

There is something to be said for quick solutions and the simplicity that having only 2 plans allows.


It may sound crazy, but there was actually only one negative Enova Energy review that we found. The customer complained that the prices were cheaper with their old supplier and recommended doing a price comparison before switching.

In this case, it makes sense that Enova could be more expensive than some suppliers as it's offering renewable energy. At the same time, its rates are nearly the same as the reference price.

Therefore if you are looking to save on energy or find the cheapest electricity plans, you may want to have a look around. Otherwise, with solar panels and the Enova Energy feed-in tariff, you are likely to have a chance to save from solar exports.

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Enova Energy Rates & Plans

Enova Energy is currently only available in New South Wales and Queensland and offers two electricity plans:

  1. Community Plus Tariff
  2. Solar Premium Tariff

If you have solar panels and a smart meter you can benefit from Enova's solar feed-in-tariff called Solar Premium.

If you don't have solar panels, you can sign-up for Enova's standard plan called Community Plus which offers a discount of around 2-3% for paying on time depending on where you live.

All Enova Energy plans come with:

  • No lock-in contracts
  • No exit fees
  • Flexible billing options
  • The ability to contribute to the GreenPower100 carbon offset programme.
Overview of Enova Energy Plans
Community Plus PlanSolar Premium Plan
  • 3% pay on time discount off usage rates
  • No lock-in contract or exit fees
  • Monthly or quarterly billing
  • 10-12c / kWh FiT for first 5kWh exported
  • 6c / kWh for remaining exported energy
  • No lock-in contract or exit fees
  • Monthly or quarterly billing

Enova Energy Rates NSW

As mentioned before, customers in NSW have the choice of 2 tariffs: the Community Plus Tariff or the Solar Premium Tariff.

Here are the rates for the Enova Energy plans in NSW:

Enova Energy Rates NSW
Plan NameCommunity PlusSolar Premium
Discount vs Reference PriceEqual to NSW Reference PriceEqual to NSW Reference Price
FiT Payout RateN/A7.0c/kWh
Other Discounts3% discount for paying on timeN/A
Estimated Annual Bill
(discounts included*)
$1,390 per year$1,390 per year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on distributors for the capital city of each state listed. Calculations are based on the reference price for average energy usage in this area. Estimates do not inlcude credits from solar feed-in tariffs. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on your individual circumstances or habits. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Valid June 2022.

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Enova Energy Rates QLD

If you live in Queensland, you have a choice between 2 Enova Energy tariffs: the Community Plus Tariff or the Solar Premium Tariff.

Here are the rates for the Enova Energy plans in QLD:

Enova Energy Rates QLD
Plan NameCommunity PlusSolar Premium
Discount vs Reference PriceEqual to QLD Reference PriceEqual to QLD Reference Price
FiT Payout RateN/A7.0c/kWh
Other Discounts3% discount for paying on timeN/A
Estimated Annual Bill
(discounts included*)
$1,455 per year$1,455 per year

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only and don’t compare all products, providers, plan features, offers, or rates. Products are compared like-for-like and any distinctions between products are clearly marked. Not all offers may be available in all locations or distribution networks. Rates based on distributors for the capital city of each state listed. Calculations are based on the reference price for average energy usage in this area. Estimates do not inlcude credits from solar feed-in tariffs. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on your individual circumstances or habits. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Valid June 2022.

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How to Contact Enova Energy

You can contact Enova Energy by phone or by email using the table below.

How to Contact Enova Energy
Enova Energy Contact MethodContact Info
Phone Number(02) 5622 1700
Enova Opening HoursWeekdays from 8:30am to 5:30pm
Enova Email (Sales)[email protected]
Enova Email (Support)[email protected]
Postal AddressPO Box 435
Byron Bay
NSW 2481

To call Enova Energy with interpreter services dial: 12 14 50.

How to Switch to Enova Energy

You can sign-up with Enova Energy online at enovaenergy.com.au.

When you sign up for Enova Energy you'll be required to provide the following details:

  • Your connection address
  • Your energy usage data or consumption habits
  • Your personal identification for a credit check to ensure eligibility.

person on the phone

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Switch to Enova Energy

Cooling Off PeriodNew energy customers in Australia are legally entitled to a 10-business-day cooling off period after signing up for a new energy service. During these 10 business days, customers can cancel their new energy service at any time without penalty.

If you are moving house and need to move your energy connection or cancel your plan with Enova Energy can do so by contacting Enova Energy customer service.

Enova Energy customer service is available 8:30am to 5:30pm weekdays and can be reached by (02) 5622 1700 or emailing [email protected].

How to Pay an Enova Energy Bill

You can pay an Enova Energy bill online, over the phone, or in person.

This table shows all of the ways to pay your Enova Energy bill:

Ways to Pay Enova Energy Bill
Method of PaymentHow to Pay
Direct DebitFill Out the Direct Debit Form
In-Person at any WestPac BranchAccount Name: Enova Energy
BSB: 032 573
Account Number: 336 712
Your personal reference number can be found on your invoice
BPAYBiller Code: 256 446
Your personal reference number can be found on your invoice
Over the Phone with
Visa or Mastercard
Dial (02) 5622 1700

Community Projects Lead by Enova Energy

Since its inception in 2016, Enova Energy has funded two community-based projects; micro-grids, and solar gardens, both of which aim to bring renewable energy to communities in Australia.

Enova Micro-Grids

Micro-grids are small, self-serving, renewable energy systems that allow streets, apartment blocks, and industrial complexes to become more energy independent.

Buildings within a micro-grid set-up their own renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind energy systems to generate their own electricity. Excess energy gets shared with other participants within the micro-grid.

Any energy left over can be stored in batteries, or sold back to the larger national electricity grid. This allows participants to save money on energy, as well as reduce carbon emissions and their dependence on the greater national energy grid.

Currently, 30 businesses are participating in Enova Energy’s microgrid project.

Enova Solar Gardens

Solar gardens allow people who might not have access to solar energy otherwise to participate in renewable energy.

This includes tenants in apartments, renters, people who live in shady areas, and people who frequently move. Solar gardeners purchase solar panels in this solar garden and in return receive solar tariffs on their electricity bill.

Solar gardens can be put on large apartment rooftops, in industrial complexes, or other community-owned areas, and the owners of these spaces then receive a discount on their own solar energy bill.

Enova Energy + Enosi

Enova Energy has recently partnered with Enosi to launch a shared community battery in New South Wales.

With this community battery, Enova Energy hopes to not only bring a more efficient way to generate, store, and supply energy to Australians in NSW but also bring P2P energy trading to local communities. With hopes to launch this project by the end of the year, Enova is currently inviting 500 customers to join and participate in the project (both current and new Enova Energy customers).

With this partnership with Enosi, Enova hopes to bring more value to customers' rooftop solar investment, while better utilizing renewably generated energy, and supporting local communities.

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