Compare Energy Western Australia

Find a Gas Plan in WA : TOP 3 | February 2025

Rates based on gas distributor for Perth (6000) with a average usage of 30.1Mj/day.

Engie Energy Engie Perks

Estimated Price

$812 / year

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AGL Energy Set & Forget

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$819 / year

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Origin Energy Go Variable

Estimated Price

$877 / year

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Energy in Perth | Compare Gas & Electricity Providers WA

Western Australia is one of the Australian states outside of the National Electricity Market, meaning the Western Australian government manages and regulates its own energy market in the state. This can cause some confusion, as there are differences not only between Western Australia energy and energy within the NEM but also between natural gas and electricity in Western Australia itself. To find out more about the energy market in Western Australia, continue to read below.

Compare Cheapest Gas Plans & Rates in Perth

Due to the nature of the natural gas market in Western Australia, prices are more or less consistent across the most populated areas of the state. Most gas providers in Western Australia offer a number of discounted plans, with the biggest discounts tending to be around 35% off the usage rates.

As the biggest city in Western Australia, comparing gas prices in Perth is important to ensure you’re getting the best gas plan available. Below, you can compare gas prices, to find the cheapest gas plan and provider for you.

Gas Rates in WA
RankEnergy Provider + PlanEstimated Yearly PriceAdditional Information
Engie Energy
Engie Energy
Engie Perks
$812 / yearBenefits:
No Lock-In Contract
Daily Supply Charge:
AGL Energy
Set & Forget
$819 / yearBenefits:
No Lock-In Contract
Daily Supply Charge:
Origin Energy
Go Variable
$877 / yearBenefits:
No Lock-In Contract
Daily Supply Charge:
Alinta Energy
Alinta Energy
Fair Go 35
$966 / yearBenefits:
No Lock-In Contract
Daily Supply Charge:
Kleenheat Energy
Monthly Energiser
$973 / yearBenefits:
No Lock-In Contract
Daily Supply Charge:

Source: Energy providers basic plan. Valid within AGN distribution network. Comparison does not include all available offers. Estimated annual cost includes conditional discount and is based on average usage of 10,986.5Mj/year. Discounts and rates vary depending on location. Calculations are based on the reference price for this area. Any offers or estimated costs compared are for example purposes only and may change based on your individual circumstances or habits. Selectra advises you to do your own research at before determining if you should sign up for a new energy plan. Offers and availability are subject to change. Read more about Basic Plan Information here. Valid March 2025.

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Gas Providers WA

Unlike electricity, natural gas in Western Australia is fully contestable, meaning customers can choose who their gas provider is. There are six residential gas retailers in the state, which all service the Perth Metropolitan and most populated regions. The natural gas providers in Western Australia are:

While fully contestable, the price of natural gas in Western Australia is regulated by the government in the most populated parts of the state. Gas prices in Western Australia are regulated in the Perth metropolitan area extending north to Gingin and south to Busselton, as well as in Geraldton and the surrounding areas, Carnamah, and Albany.

Outside of these areas, the price of gas is not regulated, meaning gas retailers can set their own usage rates. This does not mean all prices are the same, however, and gas providers will often offer steep pay on time or direct debit discounts.

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Gas Prices in Western Australia

Gas prices in Western Australia are some of the lowest in the country, thanks to the government's regulated price caps and gas providers offering steep and generous discounts.

In Western Australia there are three regulated gas price zones in the most populated parts of the state. Below are the government-set gas prices for the regulated distribution areas, which gas providers in Western Australia then use to set their own discounts off the usage and supply charges.

Midwest/South-West Area
Supply Charge21.98c / day
First 12 Units* per Day15.18c / unit
Remaining Units per Day13.69c / unit

*A unit of gas | 3.6 Megajoules, equivalent to 1 kilowatt hour. Source: WA Goverment gas rates. Valid March 2025.

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Area
Supply Charge49.43c / day
Usage Rate14.09c / unit
Albany Area
Supply Charge17.26c / day
Usage Rate23.73c / unit
Extra Dwellings11.86c / day

Energy Distribution Zones in Western Australia

There are five energy distribution zones in Western Australia:

  • South West Interconnected System (SWIS)
  • South Region
  • North Region
  • Gascyone/Mid-West
  • North West Interconnected System

The majority of Western Australia residents live within the South West Interconnected System, which stretches from Albany and the south-west coast to as far north as Kalbarri, and inland to Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Can I Choose My Energy Provider in Western Australia?

Unlike other parts of the country, Western Australia does electricity and gas differently. While residents of the state have the ability to choose their gas provider, though prices are regulated by the government, electricity is non-contestable for virtually all residential customers in Western Australia.

Technically, those living within the South West Interconnected System could have the ability to choose their energy provider, if they use over 50mWh per year, but considering the average residential household in Western Australia uses approximately 6mWh per year it’s safe to say that all residents of Western Australia do not have the ability to choose their electricity provider.

Unlike electricity, natural gas is fully contestable in Western Australia, which gives gas providers the ability to freely compete in the gas market. Gas prices are, however, regulated for the majority of the population.

In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with your energy provider, Western Australia has an Ombudsman who can assist you in resolving disputes with your energy supplier as well as offer advice on common energy-related topics.

Electricity Providers WA: Synergy & Horizon Power

There are two residential electricity providers in Western Australia; Synergy and Horizon Power. Those living within the SWIS network will most likely have their electricity provided to them by Synergy while Horizon Power is the only electricity provider to supply most of those living in regional and rural Western Australia outside of the SWIS.

Electricity prices in Western Australia are regulated by the government, so electricity rates don’t vary between Synergy and Horizon Power. In addition to the traditional single-rate tariff, residential customers with smart meters might be eligible for a time-of-use tariff.

Select your area from the drop-down list below to learn about wa electricity rates and plans:

Electricity Providers Perth & Regional Australia - Plans & Rates

Electricity Providers Perth - Synergy

Synergy is the retailer providing energy to customers living under the South West Interconnected System. As mentioned, you are only contestable if you use more than 50 MWh, which is why only a handful companies can chose their electricity provider in Perth and why the vast majority of residential customers have no other choice than to sign up for Synergy plans.

This is a list with the different Synergy electricity plans and rates in Perth:

Synergy Electricity Prices
Synergy Electricity PlansHome Plan (A1)Home Business Plan (K1)
Usage Rate (incl. GST)30.0605c/per unitFirst 20 units per day: 31.4035c/per unit
Next 1630 units per day: 29.5937c/per unit
Over 1,650 units per day: 33.3658c/per day
Supply Charge (incl. GST)1.0777c/day190.1702c/day

Source: Energy Operators (Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation) (Charges) By-laws 2006. Valid March 2025.

Electricity Providers Regional WA - Horizon

If you live outside the SWIS area, you will most likely have your electricity supplied by Horizon Power. This is true for both residential customers and businesses. Like with electricity in Perth, there is high chance that you will not have other choice than signing up for Horizon Power electricity plans.

This is a list with the different Horizon Power electricity plans and rates in Perth:

Horizon Electricity Prices
Horizon Electricity PlansResidential Tariff (A2)Combined Used Tariff (K2)
Usage Rate (incl. GST)30.0605c/kWhFirst 20 kWh per day: 31.4035c/kWh
Next 21-1,650kWh per day: 29.5937c/kWh
Over 1,650kWh per day: 33.3658c/kWh
Supply Charge (incl. GST)107.77c/day190.17c/day

Source: Energy Operators (Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation) (Charges) By-laws 2006. Valid March 2025.

Government Concessions and Rebates in Western Australia

Western Australia residents have a number of WA government concessions and rebates available to help with electricity and gas bills, especially for those with concession, pension, or health cards. If you’re experiencing financial hardship, and finding it difficult to keep up with your energy bills, it’s best to get in contact with your energy provider to discuss all your options for paying your electricity and gas bills.

  • Energy Assistance Payment (EAP) Western Australia: $300 annually through Synergy or Horizon Power
  • Energy Concession Extension Scheme Western Australia: Can include the Energy Assistance Payment ($305 annually), the Dependent Child Rebate ($302 annually + $84 for each additional child), and the Air Conditioning Rebate ($59.75 per month)
  • Hardship Utility Grant Scheme (HUGS) Western Australia: Up to $580 or $960 annually
  • Cost of Living Rebate Western Australia:
  • Medical rebates for thermoregulatory dysfunction and life support equipment

Renewable Energy in Western Australia

Historically, renewable energy in Western Australia has lagged behind other states in the country despite WA having some of the best solar and wind power resources available. In recent years however, thanks to the cost of rooftop solar PV decreasing, solar energy is becoming one of the largest electricity generator in the state.

According to the AEMO, 27% of households in Western Australia had solar PV installed on their rooftops in 2019 with over 950MW of total capacity and rooftop solar PV is predicted to reach 2,500MW by 2029. In addition, the WA Government has recently launched a $66.3 million package with a focus on renewable technologies to create jobs, reduce electricity costs, and bring Western Australia closer to its renewable energy goals.

Western Australia renewable energy targetWestern Australia does not have a set renewable energy target, but currently has an aspirational target of zero net emissions by 2050.

Cost of Solar Panels in Perth

If you’re interested in investing in solar energy for your home in Perth, WA, you’re in luck. The average cost of solar panels in the state is just below than the national average, according to SolarChoice June 2021 solar price report, which takes into account solar rebates available through the Renewable Energy Target small-scale certificates, and includes GST.

Average Cost of Solar Panels in Perth
Adelaide, SA$3,400$4,860$6,240$10,310

Valid March 2025.

Energy Rebates & Concessions in WA

While residents in Western Australia might not be able to choose their electricity provider the same way others can within the NEM, the WA government does offer a number of concessions for those struggling with financial difficulties. If you’re experiencing financial hardship and having trouble paying your electricity and gas bills, it’s best to get in contact with your energy provider to discuss all your options.

  • Energy Assistance Payment (EAP) Western Australia
  • Energy Concession Extension Scheme Western Australia
  • Hardship Utility Grant Scheme (HUGS) Western Australia
  • Dependent Child Rebate (Electricity) Western Australia
  • Cost of Living Rebate Western Australia
  • Thermoregulatory Dysfunction Energy Subsidy Scheme Western Australia
  • Life Support Equipment Electricity Subsidy Scheme Western Australia
  • Air Conditioning Rebate (Electricity) Western Australia

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