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Getting the gas supply connected at your home in Australia

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If you will be moving into a house or apartment in Australia that requires a gas supply to operate cooking, heating, and hot water appliances, getting a gas connection set up starting from day one will be essential for comfort, convenience, and safety. This is a relatively straightforward process in Australia, but understanding the different options and plans available to you can be somewhat daunting, especially if you are new to the country or region. Read on for the basic steps involved with getting the gas supply connected at your home in Australia, paying your gas bills (on time), and choosing a gas supply plan that will save you money!

Whether you are about to move to Australia from overseas or just relocating within the country, moving house can be a stressful (if exciting!) time. Mixed in with apprehension about new jobs or new schools will be dreams of new neighbourhoods to explore, new restaurants to try, and new friends to meet.

With so much going on, it’s easy to let practical details such as getting your gas supply hooked up slide to the back of your mind. While this is only natural, it is well worth your while to take just a little time to ensure that the gas will be up and running from the day that you move in. Doing so will allow you to focus on more important things (like your new job and new friends) when you do arrive at your new home in Australia!

You can also contact us at Selectra at any time for a free consultation on setting up your gas supply and other essential home utilities (electricity, internet, water) in Australia. We can help you get this done (and save you money too!).

Do I need a gas connection at my home in Australia?

It depends. While some homes in Australia use electric power to power all their home appliances, the majority (approximately 65-70% of Australian homes) use gas to power appliances such as cooking stoves, heaters, and hot water tanks (or pool heaters). The easiest way to learn whether or not your new home will require a gas connection is to check with the previous owner of the property or your landlord before you move in.

What kind of gas will be supplied to my home in Australia? The most common type of gas used in homes across Australia is conventional natural gas (reticulated natural gas) via a national network of pipes. Some homes do use LPG (liquified petroleum gas), a type of propane gas that is sold in cylinders or tanks, though this tends to be used mostly in isolated rural areas.

If you are wondering which type of gas your new home is set up for, make sure to ask the previous owner or your landlord before moving in.

How do I get my gas supply connected in Australia?

Getting the gas supply connected to your new home in Australia is really quite easy if you break it down into the following simple steps.

If you are moving within Australia, you need to…

  1. Cancel the gas supply at your current home (i.e. the address you are moving out of) - call your gas provider and arrange for your gas to be disconnected on the day after you move out. If your gas and electricity are supplied by the same provider, you can ask simultaneously for both utilities to be disconnected. If you forget to disconnect your gas supply on time, you could wind up paying for gas that you did not use (after you’ve already moved out!).
  2. Arrange for the gas supply to be connected at your new home (i.e. the address you are moving into) - call the gas provider you intend to use and arrange for the gas supply to be connected on the day that you move into your new home (to avoid you being stuck without heat, hot water or cooking appliances!).

If you are moving to Australia from another country, you need to…

  1. Arrange for the gas supply to be connected at your new home (i.e. the address you are moving into) - call the gas provider you intend to use and arrange for the gas supply to be connected on the day that you move into your new home (to avoid you being stuck without heat, hot water or cooking appliances!). If you will be renting your new home, your landlord may be able to help you organise setting up your gas supply before you arrive in Australia…it never hurts to ask for help!

Ideally, you should contact your gas provider (either online or via telephone) at least 5 business days in advance before your move-in date at your new house or apartment in order to ensure that the gas will be connected when you arrive. You will need to provide the company operator with the address of your new home, your move-in date, and the date that you want gas connected (if different from the move-in date).

What to do if you are late in contacting your gas provider in Australia… To make sure that your gas will be set up at your new home from day one, it is best to contact your gas provider at least 5 business days before the date of your move. However, if you forget or something changes at the last minute, contact your electricity provider and explain. Some providers can arrange a gas supply connection in as little as one or two days (no guarantees on this though!), though you may have to pay a fee for this urgent service.

You should also be aware that gas can only be connected on weekdays, not weekends or public holidays.

Be sure to write down or take a photo of the meter readings both at your current address (if in Australia) and new address. That way, when your gas bills arrive in the mail, you can confirm whether you are being charged the correct amount.

Some gas providers do also charge an initial connection fee, so you may want to ask about this if it is something you want to factor into your choice of provider.

Can I choose the gas provider for my home in Australia?

It depends on where you will be living. Different states/regions in Australia have different laws governing energy (electricity/gas) providers. While many states/regions of Australia have now deregulated their energy sectors, allowing for greater competition that allows customers the opportunity to shop around for better deals, a few states/regions still have state-regulated energy sectors, primarily to ensure price controls on energy supplied to more rural areas. Some other states/regions are deregulated but simply have limited options.

Check out this table (below) to find out whether you will be living in a state/region that allows you to choose your energy providers (gas/electricity) freely.

Energy Providers in Different Regions of Australia - What are My Options?

State/Region Energy Market?
Queensland (Brisbane, Cairns) Open market (your choice) - South East

State regulated (no choice) - other regions of Queensland

Western Australia (Perth) State regulated (no choice)*
New South Wales/Capital Territory (Sydney, Canberra) Open market (your choice)
South Australia (Adelaide) Open market (your choice)
Victoria (Melbourne) Open market (your choice)
Northern Territory Open market (your choice, but limited options)
Tasmania Open market (your choice, but limited options)

*Gas provision has been deregulated within the city of Perth only, so Perth-based customers can choose their preferred gas provider. This is not currently the case for electricity in Perth, however.

If you are living in a state/region with full retail competition within the energy market, comparing different plans offered by different gas providers can save you money on your gas bills.

If you would like more information on gas prices, providers, and plans, please scroll down this page to the section “How can I save money on my gas bills in Australia?” for more details.

Here at Selectra we understand that the Australian energy market can be somewhat confusing when all you really want is to get the heat or stove turned on (and save money too)! This can be especially true if you are new to the country (or state/region). Selectra is here to help! Feel free to contact us at any time for a free consultation to find out which energy providers (gas/electricity) in Australia have the right plans to suit your needs (and your budget!).

How can I save money on my gas bills in Australia?

While the cost-of-living in Australia is quite high these days and continues to rise, particularly in cities such as Melbourne and Sydney, natural gas in Australia is still fairly affordable in comparison to other countries. This is in part due to the fact that Australia possesses abundant natural gas reserves (Australia is a net exporter of natural gas).

Still, the average Australian family spends anywhere from $800-1200 annually on gas (2021). The amount varies quite a bit from state to state, largely due to colder winters in certain regions of Australia. Many residents, particularly in these regions with colder winters, look for ways to cut down their gas bills wherever possible in order to bolster their overall household budget.

There are two main ways to save money on your gas bills in Australia:

  1. Reducing usage - gas companies in Australia generally levy usage charges on top of your fixed monthly gas supply fee. This means that anything you can do to reduce the amount of gas that you use will help to reduce your electricity bills.
  2. Switching to a new gas provider - in states/regions of Australia where energy markets have been deregulated, you can choose your preferred gas provider. Market competition between different companies means that it can be worth your while to shop around for cheaper energy plans (e.g. lower fixed monthly supply fees or lower usage charges…or ideally both!).

Here at Selectra we understand that choosing a gas provider in Australia, especially if you are new to the area or the country, can be overwhelming. We're here to help! Feel free to contact us at any time for a free consultation on which gas provider in Australia could best suit your needs (and your budget!).

 Reducing gas usage in Australia - Top Tips!

Most energy companies in Australia generally bill you for your actual gas usage (measured in megajoules/MJ) on top of a fixed monthly gas supply fee.

Therefore, the simplest way to trim down your gas bill in Australia is to reduce the amount of gas (MJ) that you use at home.

Obviously, even if you are moving to Australia from another country, many of the steps that you have always taken (turning off heaters when not in use, wearing warm clothing, etc.) will also apply in Australia, but it also helps to get some tips on reducing gas usage from local residents. Here are a few that might help:

  • Heating
  • Use shades, curtains or blinds strategically - these can help you keep the heat in when it gets chilly in wintertime at night. During the daytime, open up those blinds and let the sun’s heat warm your house naturally, for free!
  • Insulate* your home - a better insulated home will mean that less energy will be required to heat (or cool) the interior. Making sure that your ceiling/roof is well-insulated and windows/doors are sealed properly will keep your home at a more constant temperature and save you a lot of money on heating costs!
  • Adjust your thermostat - lowering your thermostat by just 1°C can reduce your usage costs by 10%. 18-21°C is the recommended temperature range for sufficient indoor heating.
  • Close doors and windows to close off rooms you are not using - reducing the area you are heating up will save on usage costs.
  • Hot Water
  • Take shorter showers (ideally 5 minutes or less). This saves on water charges and gas usage charges simultaneously…two birds with one stone!
  • Consider a water-efficient shower head. Current models can reduce your hot water usage by half!
  • Make sure your taps aren’t leaking to avoid wasting energy (and water!).
  • Cooking
  • Buy energy-efficient appliances - household appliances in Australia come with energy ratings, so you can save money (and the environment) by purchasing a more energy-efficient stove, for example.

Which of these measures to reduce gas usage you can actually use will depend on many different factors: where you will be living in Australia, how long you will be living there, whether you are renting or buying the property, and so on. Still, it is good to do everything you can to reduce usage, both for the sake of your wallet and the environment.

Green energy in Australia… Natural gas, while a relatively “clean” technology in comparison to other fossil fuels, is still a non-renewable resource that does contribute to pollution. In Australia, steps are being taken to move toward more environmentally-conscious sources of power nationwide. The government is currently running a renewable energy program called GreenPower which offers initiatives such as financial incentives to residents who install solar panels (or solar water heaters). Residents on low or fixed incomes can even apply for financial assistance. Check out the GreenPower website to learn more.

 Switching to a new gas provider in Australia

To maximise savings on your gas bills at your new home in Australia, it can be helpful to spend some time comparing different gas supply plans offered by different energy providers.

Not all regions/states of Australia allow customers to choose their gas provider… If you are living in Western Australia* or Queensland (except for the south east of Queensland), you will not be able to choose your gas provider as electricity is state-regulated in these regions. All other states/regions of Australia allow you to choose freely, though in reality if you are living in Tasmania or the Northern Territory, choice is quite limited.
It is worth keeping an eye on these regulations, however, as these things do tend to change over time!
*Residents of the city of Perth can choose their gas provider (but not electricity provider).

Understanding your gas bill in Australia (the basics)

When comparing plans, it is important to understand the different features of gas plans in Australia. Most gas providers in Australia charge their customers the following fees:

  • A fixed monthly gas supply fee - this fee is the base rate you are charged monthly (or quarterly) regardless of usage.
  • Usage charges (MJ) - these charges are calculated based on the amount of gas (in MJ) that you actually use per month (or quarter).

Calculating your electricity bill Fixed monthly gas supply fee
+ Usage charges (total MJ used x $/1MJ usage rate)

This means that to best save money on your gas bills, you should compare both the usage rates and fixed gas supply fees of different providers. If you will be using a lot of gas in your home, it might pay to find a plan with lower usage charges. On the other hand, if you do not use much gas at home, you might want to prioritise finding a provider with a lower fixed gas supply fee rate.

Discounts and initial connection fees

When selecting a gas provider in Australia, you might also want to consider discounts offered by some companies as well as the initial connection fees that some providers charge:

  • Discounts - many gas providers in Australia offer attractive discounts over set periods of time or if you always pay by a specified date (check the conditions and details carefully though!). Senior citizens can also receive discounts. However, be aware that after a discount period runs out, your plan may automatically switch over to a very expensive default gas supply plan!
  • Initial connection fees - some gas companies in Australia charge an initial connection fee for setting up a gas connection in your home, so be sure to ask about this when you are shopping around for a provider.
  • Plan change fees - some plans come with a fee if you switch providers later on (however, this is quite uncommon these days unless you are actually moving house), so be sure to read the fine print!.
  • Various other fees - some companies charge different fees for paper bills, credit card payments, etc., so make sure to check first.

Does it pay to bundle up (gas and electricity)? Many power companies in Australia offer combined (“bundled”) gas and electricity plans that potentially offer you additional discounts. It is still sometimes cheaper, however, if you select different providers for your gas and electricity needs. It pays to take time to compare rates and decide what works best for your budget!

Gas providers in Australia

The gas providers available to you vary based on your location in Australia, but here is a short list of some of the best-known suppliers.

State-regulated regions (regional Queensland and Western Australia)

Gas is generally provided in regional Queensland by the state-owned enterprise Ergon Energy. If you will be living in this region, your simplest option is probably to apply to Ergon directly for your gas supply.

In Western Australia, gas is supplied to Perth and parts of the southwestern part of the state primarily by the Synergy energy company. Horizon Power is the main supplier to the remainder of the state.

In either region, it is a good idea to inquire who the local gas provider will be before you move so that you can contact the company to make the necessary arrangements.

Deregulated regions (everywhere else in Australia)

The three biggest energy providers in Australia (known as the Big Three) are:

  • Origin Energy
  • AGL
  • EnergyAustralia

These three companies dominate the residential natural gas market in Australia, supplying gas to over 80% of natural gas customers across the nation.

While many Australians do prefer the Big Three providers as trusted well-known brand names (or just the “easy option”), more and more people are realising that smaller gas providers sometimes tend to offer more competitive plans and deals.

Here is a short list of some of the smaller gas companies operating in Australia that you might want to check out to compare plans before making your decision.

  • Sumo Energy
  • 1st Energy
  • Kogan Energy
  • Alinta
  • Aurora
  • Click Energy
  • CovaU Energy
  • Discover Energy
  • Dodo Energy
  • GloBird Energy
  • Kleenheat
  • Lumo Energy
  • Momentum Energy
  • Powershop
  • Red Energy
  • Simply Energy
  • Tango Energy
  • Tas Gas
  • Amaysim

If you are looking for an LPG (propane) provider, you could try Agas National, Elgas, or Kleenheat, all of which offer home delivery options for propane gas bottles.

You can also contact us at Selectra at any time for a free consultation to help you compare gas plans from different providers in your part of Australia. We can help you discover cheaper energy plans and save you money!

Don’t worry, you can change your gas plan or provider later on… If you begin with a certain gas provider after first moving into a new home in Australia but are not satisfied with their prices or services, don’t worry! Unless you are living in certain parts of regional Queensland or Western Australia, you can change plans and providers, often in as little as two days!

It can take a bit of time to understand how much gas (MJ) you tend to use across the different seasons of the year in Australia. After spending a year or so at your new home, you will probably have a much clearer idea of your gas usage (MJ) and be in a better position to evaluate whether your gas plan is right for you.

For these reasons, we recommend that you review your gas plan in Australia at least once a year and compare it to plans offered by other providers.

How can I pay my gas bills in Australia?

Gas bills in Australia are generally charged on a quarterly basis (i.e. four times a year, once every three months), though some plans allow for monthly billing if you have a smart meter installed at your home.

Not all residences in Australia are on the same quarterly (90-day) billing cycle, so when you move into your home it could take anywhere from 10 to 100 days for your first gas bill to arrive in the mail. When it does arrive, you will see the dates for which you are being billed clearly indicated on the bill, as well as a breakdown of the charges.

When it comes to paying your gas bill in Australia, you will generally have several options (depending on your provider):

  • Credit card (online/telephone)
  • Direct debit (automatic withdrawals from your bank account or credit card)
  • BPAY - another way to pay directly from your bank or credit union account
  • At the post office (Australia Post) - you can pay over the counter either in cash or by debit or credit card. You can also pay over the phone.

Many providers also have the option for you to set up an account page online with them as well to manage payments and services. Some also have apps if you prefer that method.

Pay your gas bills on time! If you forget to pay your gas bills on time, you may incur additional late fees!

We all lead busy lives and forget things sometimes, so setting up a direct debit from your account or credit/debit card (or similar automatic payment) is a good way to avoid those pesky late fees that no one wants to pay.

What do I need to know about using gas at home in Australia?

If you are moving to Australia from another country, you might be wondering whether there is anything important to know about using gas at home in Australia.

Here are a few basics about using gas in Australia that will keep you safe and comfortable in your new home:

  1. You should contact emergency services immediately if you smell gas anywhere on your property (or out on the street) and believe there is a gas leak. Natural gas is naturally invisible and odorless, but companies infuse it with a “rotten egg” odor to make leaks easy to detect. If you cannot identify the source of the leak or stop it, open your windows for ventilation and switch the natural gas handle on your meter to the off position. Refrain from using open flames or using anything that could produce a spark at this time. You can call Gas Leaks and Emergency services on 1-800 GAS LEAK (1800 427 532) or dial 000 for emergency assistance. You could also contact your landlord or building manager. You should also vacate the building if you are seriously concerned.
  2. Turn off radiant gas heaters whenever you leave your house or go to sleep (do not leave them on at night).
  3. Keep young children or pets a safe distance away from gas heaters or cooking appliances.
  4. Avoid placing flammable (or “meltable”) objects near gas heaters or appliances.
  5. If you are new to cooking with a gas-powered stove (electric stoves/ovens are more common in some countries), take extra care to check that you have completely extinguished all flames and turned off all switches in order to prevent injuries and fires. It might also take a little while to get used to cooking with gas, so keep a close eye on your food to avoid burning dinner to a crisp!

*Please insert images (embed images to the right?) of gas-powered stove/kitchen range
Caption: Be careful when using gas for cooking

Getting your gas supply connected in Australia - FAQ

Question 1. Do I need gas as well as electricity at my home in Australia?

All homes require electricity. Whether or not you will need gas depends on the heating, hot water, and cooking appliances installed in your particular house or apartment, so be sure to check with the landlord or previous owner before moving in.

Question 2. Can I freely choose my gas provider in Australia?

It depends on your location. New South Wales (including Canberra), Victoria, South Australia, and the south east of Queensland have deregulated energy markets, leaving consumers free to choose their gas providers. In Western Australia (except Perth) and the rest of Queensland, energy is state regulated, so you cannot choose your provider. Tasmania and the Northern Territory have deregulated energy markets in theory, but choice is actually quite limited.

Check the article above for general lists of gas providers across Australia.

Question 3. How can I get my gas connected in Australia?

Once you have compared options and made your choice, contact your chosen gas provider online or by telephone and give them your new address, your moving date, and the date you would like your gas connected. Be sure to cancel the gas at your current address (if you are moving within Australia) to avoid unnecessary charges!

Question 4. How is my gas bill calculated in Australia?

Most providers charge a monthly or quarterly fixed gas supply fee and then add on your usage charges (per MJ of gas that you actually use). Some companies also charge an initial connection fee and may have other minor administrative fees (credit card, paper bills, etc.).

It is worth asking about set period discounts or gas/electricity bundles that are offered by many power companies.

Question 5. How can I pay my gas bills in Australia?

With most providers, a range of payment options are available such as credit card payment, debit card payment, automatic direct debit, or paying at the post office in person or via the telephone.