10 Winter Energy Saving Tips That Will Keep You Warm & Cozy

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10 Winter Energy Saving Tips That Will Keep You Warm & Cozy
10 Winter Energy Saving Tips That Will Keep You Warm & Cozy

Winter is here, and you are probably looking for ways to keep your body warm and your wallet full. Winter and summer are by far the seasons when we use & invest more in temperature control appliances. If you are not careful, you will find a nasty surprise on your energy electricity bill. Thankfully for you, we have put together a list of 10 energy-saving tips for winter that will help you stay warm & cozy without spending too much money.

  • Summary of the tips to save energy during winter
  • Make the most of natural sunlight
  • Only heat the spaces you use
  • Use winter clothes and heat blankets
  • Be careful about overusing power-hungry appliances
  • Only use the appliances you need, when you need them
  • Lower your water-heat thermostat
  • Switch to LED lights
  • Use energy-efficient heaters
  • Take advantage of off-peak times
  • Look for cheaper energy providers

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Things You Can Do Now to Save Energy During Winter

Let In the Light, Keep In the Heat

Curtain Management


The sun is by far the cheapest, most intense source of heat… let it come in in all its glory! Always remember to open your curtains in the morning and let mother nature do the rest, one of the better energy-saving tips for winter is to just take advantage of whatever little sunlight you can get. This free heat source will also help to boost your mood and keep you feeling energized throughout the day.

However, do not forget to do the opposite when the sun goes down. Close your curtains and blinds to prevent any heat from getting out the same way it got in, through the windows. We recommend you purchase insulated, heat-saving curtains to optimize heat preservation further.

Beware of Air Leaks & Drafts

Speaking of leaks, does your household have any cracks or holes? These can be a major escape route for that precious heat. Fit draught seals wherever you find gaps and pay close attention to external doors, windows and the attic & basement. Anything that will prevent cold air from getting in, will keep warm air from getting out. Invest in door seals, strips and door snakes and turn your home into a hermetic fortress.

For minor leaks, caulk or foam should de the trick, but larger leaks may require you to install new insulation.

Be Smart About Your Space

Keep your rooms shut

These are probably the biggest “leaks” you will find at home. Do you need to heat the dusty pool table room? Ok, you might not have any pool table, but you surely have that one room that nobody uses, or uses once a day.

Remember to close off all doors, vents and windows of any unused rooms and avoid spreading the heat of the space you use.

Consider using space heaters… but not too much!

How much space in your house do you use? Probably not much. If you are going to be in just a few rooms or a particular section of those few rooms, you may want to consider carrying a space heater.

This is especially true for big houses, where keeping everything warm is expensive and inefficient.

Bring an energy-efficient heater with you or set up various energy-saving heaters in closed-off areas where they are particularly effective (bathrooms, garages…) and those places where you like to spend most of your time.

However, you should be careful when choosing your space heaters and go for an energy-saving heater, as these little machines (especially the old ones) can consume large amounts of electricity. In any case, they can be still a better option than relying on your natural gas.

Heat Your Body Instead of Your Room

This is another great yet often overlooked source of free energy. If you are wondering about how to warm up your house without electricity, remember that the heat of your body (or that of your pets, for that matter!) also has value.

You don’t carry your heater outdoors with you, don’t you? Then you should consider relying more on winter clothes and blankets rather than on your natural gas heating as well.

One of the best winter energy-saving tips we can give you is to get an efficient heat blanket, as these are one of the best ways to warm up your body and a much cheaper option than using power-hungry space heaters. Another tip is to turn off the heat blanket before you fall asleep - most heat blankets have timers that allow you to preset the shut-off time. This way, you can stay warm and cozy while you drift off to sleep without wasting energy all night.

Manage Your Appliances Wisely

Short showers

Is it really necessary to sing all movements of Beethoven's 9th symphony every time you take a shower? Absolutely, but it’s even more necessary to ramp up those winter savings, so this is another of the easiest energy-saving tips for winter.

If you couple this tip with lowering your water heat thermostat, you will be sparing a significant amount of water, electricity, time and money. Keep your showers short (and efficient!).

The Oven can heat much more than food

Have you ever opened your oven door, thrilled to get your hands on that well-deserved and tasty pizza, only to find the scorching winds of the Martian desert burn your face? Of course, you have, but why not take that to your advantage?

We recommend avoiding cooking in the oven as much as possible, as that is one of the most power-hungry kitchen appliances, but if you do, always remember to leave the door ajar in winter. Doing so will help you warm not only your kitchen but also the nearby rooms!

Does your ceiling fan have a reverse switch?

If you don't even have a ceiling fan, you can skip to the next tip… but if you do have one, it's time for some basic physics.

When ceiling fans rotate clockwise, they are pushing the air down to create that chilling effect. Most ceiling fans nowadays have a reverse rotation functionality to generate the opposite outcome. The fan will collect the warm air from the ceiling and push it downwards. It’s not rocket science, but it keeps you warm nonetheless.


Non-Essential Appliances are Non-Essential for a Reason

That rusty old console you have lying around might have been there since before Oceania was a continent, but if it's plugged into the power, it’s costing you money. Even on standby, your electronic devices can use up to 10% of your household’s electricity.

Remember to always unplug any electronic devices you are not using (televisions, printers, computers…) and you will lower your electricity bill.

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Long-term Winter Energy Saving Tips

Be Conservative with Your Water Heat Thermostat

We all like a hot shower… but how hot is hot? The answer is: as much as you want it to be, of course.

However, it is also common sense that the more you heat your water, the more energy (and money) you will be wasting. We recommend you set your water heat thermostat to a lower temperature. You don’t need to scald your skin to enjoy a cozy shower, and your winter savings will increase significantly.

Don't Forget Your Regular Thermostat! You can make a huge difference on your electricity bill by just lowering a bit your thermostat. Find a temperature you are comfortable with and you will notice the difference over time. This tip is specially efficient when combined with using winter clothes and heat blankets.

LED Lights Lead the Way

It’s 2022 and you are probably using LEDs already. If you are not, then this is another tip that will help you save big money over time (along with many other benefits).

LED consumes about 85% less energy than conventional halogen and filament lights and produces the same amount of light. On top of that, LED lamps can last up to 20 more years than traditional bulbs and 10 more years than compact fluorescent lights (CFL) so they won’t just ramp up your winter savings for this year, but also for many years to come.

Get Yourself an Energy-Efficient Heater

That old heater that so diligently has kept you warm during countless winters is now costing you more money than it should.

Purchasing an energy-saving heater will significantly reduce your electricity bill. Consider getting a reverse-cycle air conditioning unit and always remember to clean up your heater’s filter before using it.

Welcome to Off-Peak Times

You may think running your dryer at 11 pm is strange (it kind of is a bit weird), but we are here to save money, and nothing will get in the way. 

However, before adopting any funny new routines, you should check what kind of tariff you have. Is your tariff a time-of-use tariff? If so, this means you are being charged differently depending on the time of the day.

During peak hours (those of highest electricity demand) you will get charged more than average and during off-peak hours (those of lowest electricity demand) you will get charged less. Remember to check which are the off-peak times for your region and plan when to use your major appliances accordingly

Consider Switching Energy Providers

switch energy providers and save money

Arguably, one of the best energy-saving tips we can give you is to go on an energy retailer hunt.

The energy market in Australia is volatile and rates go up and down all the time. It is easy to get used to the same provider that you have been using for many years, but chances are that you can find better plans and cheaper rates by just comparing electricity and gas providers.

With the ongoing energy crisis, many retailers have significantly increased their charges and customers all over Australia have experienced big hikes in their electricity bills. We encourage you to delve deep into the different plans and rates available in your region and reach out to us with any questions that might arise.

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